Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Issues in Human Resource Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Issues in Human Resource Management - Assignment Example Furthermore, since another restaurant franchise has beaten Costa Coffee, it is essential to identify some practices that could cause the organisation to overtake Starbuck’s position in the future. Human resource management might be the solution to these strategies issues, but it is critical to determine whether the characteristics in the organisation will benefit from these practices. Three areas of focus have been selected for the report, and they include: why training leads to better outcomes, employee engagement, commitment, and negative behaviour. It is imperative to understand what training, employee engagement and negative behaviour mean in relation to the organisation. Thereafter, some studies and researches will be used to examine whether these HR strategies are helpful to institutions or not. Finally, recommendations will be made on the way forward for Costa Coffee. Costa Coffee operates in a service industry or the hospitality sector, which relies on the successful provision of services by staff members (Costa Coffee, 2014). Consumers often assess the quality of a restaurant by the experience they encounter in those facilities, so firms that grasp this concept are likely to go out of their way to exceed expectations. In the hospitality industry, it is particularly challenging to be superior based solely on tangible elements of consumer encounters since competitors can do the same. However, maintaining personal interactions with buyers can go a long in giving a company an edge over its competitors; it is at this level that companies should consider training as part of their strategy for enhancing quality of service (Pollit, 2006). Literature identifies several justifications for the use of training in the service sector generally, and restaurant businesses in particular. Companies that train their employees tend to be perceived as more professional than those who do not as this manifests in their daily interactions. Furthermore, training is
Monday, October 28, 2019
How is Romeos growing love for Juliet shown in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
How is Romeos growing love for Juliet shown in Romeo and Juliet Essay There are many stages of love shown by Romeo in this play. At first he seems in pain but as the play goes on, he gradually realises his true love and starts to get happier. As I show in this essay Romeo adores Juliet and likens her to many things. Juliet returns this love as well, showing how happy they are in each other. In Act 1 Scene 1, Romeo is featured throughout, in his â€Å"pain of love.†Shakespeare describes many symptoms of how he is affected. It is shown as being painful and affecting him badly. On line 149 Montague – Romeo’s father – says that Romeo is â€Å"the bud bit by the envious worm†as if to say he has a bug inside him, slowing down his will do normal things by chewing away at his soul represented by a bud of a flower. At this point (Line 149), Montague and Benvolio (Romeo’s cousin) are still unsure as to what is causing his sadness by saying â€Å"We would as willingly give cure as know†(Line 154), meaning that they want to get him out of his sadness as well as know what is causing it. This is a statement backing-up what he earlier said on Line 136, when Montague says â€Å"And private in his chamber pens himself†– He stays in his bedroom and locks the door. This makes Romeo feel wretched. By locking himself in his room doesn’t help either, as this makes him feel worse. Another significant feature is the frequent references to life and death. For instance Romeo says, on line 200, â€Å"A sick man makes his will†to the end of line 202, being ill is mentioned at least twice. He says a â€Å"sick man,†which shows he is, in a sense, that he is not himself because he loves someone. Another point is that he says on line 187 â€Å"Doth add more grief.†The key word is grief, which is usually used with sorrow feelings and death. Something that appears briefly in one speech is the use of some oxymorons. They can be found in Romeo’s lines 173 – 180. A good example is â€Å"O heavy lightness.†This, if used in real context would not make sense as it a contradictory statement. This shows Romeo’s confusing as he is finding it hard that he cannot get the woman he wants and is frustrated with himself. There are further uses of oxymorons later in the play. In Act 3, Scene 2 around lines 75, there are several oxymorons, examples are â€Å"beautiful tyrant†(Line 75) and â€Å"dove-feathered raven†(Line 76). These are good examples as they show complete opposites and demonstrate what Juliet was feeling as she is torn between feeling for Romeo whilst feeling angry at him because of Tybalt. This shows some of the feelings people have to go through when experiencing love as they have to have important feelings. Images of problems of love are also picked up on. In Romeo’s speech around line 190, he says â€Å"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.†This is saying that love is something that will poison you as it ends up with sighs. Shakespeare is making Romeo get out of his state of love and into his normal self. Romeo even says â€Å"I have lost myself.†He knows this isn’t like him and needs to snap out of it but Shakespeare cleverly gets Benvolio involved, so Romeo is forced to tell more, making it even harder for Romeo breakout of his frame of mind. Lastly Romeo and Benvolio mention love and blindness (and the eye) together. In Act 1 Scene 2, Benvolio says â€Å"Take thou some new infection to the eye.†This is saying that Benvolio wants Romeo to look at other women to stop him thinking about the one, who has been keeping him secluded. This line could also mean that Benvolio thinks Romeo has been blind in terms of looking at other women and that â€Å"a new infection†i.e. an infection means an illness that stops you from seeing, so love is a illness for Romeo. From here could be a turning point in two ways for Romeo. He could start being himself again or looking at other women could make him feel worse as he was in Act 1, Scene 1. Romeo would not want this because he may find it harder to get out of his miserable state a second time round. Also the audience may get impatient as they want to see Romeo progress, not rewind into his former conditions. We now start to see Romeo open up as he sees Juliet. This is now the beginning of him becoming happier. This is also the first time the audience see Juliet, in the eyes of Romeo, so is a crucial part of the play. When Romeo firsts sees Juliet, he is truly amazed, and this is shown clearly. In Act 1, Scene 5, Romeo likens her to a â€Å"rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear†(Line 46). This is effective because it gives the audience an image of jewel, which is prominent in the first place, but to be an Ethiopian’s ear, makes it seem all the brighter. This shows that Juliet is already precious, and stood out to him immediately. Another idea to back this up is the use of the word â€Å"torches†shortly afterwards. This could also be interpreted as standing out from the other people. I think could also mean that she is his light. This shows contrast from earlier when it was dark to him. Religion is also used as a theme. On line 94, Romeo says â€Å"This holy shrine,†which could show that Romeo sees her now as his religion, or his light, as I said in the previous paragraph. He almost worships her and, the effect given is they are now lifting their love to sacred or purer ground, not just all the bits that people usually associate with love. It is still in the balance though as Juliet hasn’t spoken a word to Romeo yet, everything he has said proves how strong his love is. Another religious idea is â€Å"blushing pilgrims†used by Romeo on line 95. Pilgrims is used because it shows he is ready to make the journey of love with Juliet. The impression is that Romeo is waiting and that he wants to find the true meaning of his â€Å"religion.†Shakespeare uses pilgrims cleverly as he makes Romeo more romantic than if he put how Romeo felt bluntly. It makes the audience feel that he deserves Juliet. Romeo is skilful in the way he gets to kiss Juliet. As I said before he is not blunt. Instead he uses â€Å"saints†as his way of wooing Juliet. He is shown to the audience that he is a smooth charmer. He also talks of â€Å"sins,†this leads to him challenging Juliet and sort of be against what she should do. This is even more temptation and that is another way of how Romeo managed to get his kiss. Juliet responds by kissing him back, showing the audience that Romeo has been very clever indeed. She says â€Å"You kiss by the book.†This now shows that Juliet has given in and this is where their story starts and the part of the play speeds up a little. This is proven when Juliet finds out she is in love with a Montague, making it doubly interesting for the audience, so they start to get captivated. For Romeo, this is a complete contrast to how he was earlier in the Act. Earlier in the scene on line 53 he said â€Å"I ne’er saw true beauty till this night,†shows that he finally realised he was never in love, just desperate. From now we realise the full extent of Romeo’s love for Juliet. They both almost worship other and we see how much in Act 2. It is almost like they cannot be separated. In Act 2, Scene2, the audience knows for sure that Romeo’s love is now true, unlike in Act 1 and is happy. Romeo compares to Juliet and being bright throughout page 89. The most obvious example is on line 3 – â€Å"Juliet is the Sun.†This shows that he depends on her just as the Earth depends on the Sun. It gives the effect that he cannot live without her. This is backed from line 15 to line 20. A good example is on line 18 where Romeo says â€Å"The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars.†This shows his true affection for her as she shines out to him more than stars, or she shines out to him more than any other woman. Juliet responds to Romeo in the same sort of pattern, which is brightness. Words such as â€Å"bright angel†and heaven are used. I think Shakespeare did this to make sure the audience realised that things have definitely improved for Romeo and that he is now truly in love. Moving away from brightness, Juliet refers to him as â€Å"dear perfection,†this shows the feelings between them are shared. There are strong images used later on the Act. From line 80 to line 84, is a very strong image shown by Romeo. This means that Romeo would travel on a very risky journey to find her. This is again an example of how strong his love has grown for her. Throughout the Act there is a strong presence that Shakespeare is trying to show the contrast of Romeo in Act 1 and Act 2. In Act 1, we hear of Romeo moping saying he is in love, but in Act 2 we now hear he is in love but is lighter and more active than before. I think this is because in Act 1 Romeo could have thought he was in love but was not, so maybe his instinctive reaction was to sulk. Again these lines show a significant contrast to earlier when there were feelings of darkness. Romeo and Juliet are well and truly glued to each other by now. The love they have shown towards each other and is overwhelming. To them they will feel that nothing will tear them apart despite being Capulet and Montague. Their love will rise to unimaginable heights but the audience can tell that Shakespeare will add a cruel twist where something will happen to bring them apart.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The World Of Hair :: essays research papers
In The World of Hair Throughout time, the world of hair, and now the well-known field of cosmetology have raisin and fell. I can remember the time when black women were wearing Afros and Caucasian women short cuts and now things have evolving into all these long flowing hairstyles and not to mention the current health these days on our hair. Seems like the days on juices and berries were hairs happiest time. Now going thur how we manage our hair is tricky but here are some great ways of staying on top of every strand. Knowing that mornings or the worst time for all of us here is the rule to keeping a well-groomed and healthy crop on hair. If you have short hair of any type than this is the beast stagy for it, a good shower wash before you start that steamy shower. And wash twice to insure that there will be no oil build up because old can slow a hairstyle down or even stop a style right in its tracks. Next you would want to apply and good protein based conditioner such as, cholesterol and allow it to remain on the hair form root to tip of the duration of your shower and when you rinse than your hair rinses this method saves time and work. Now that your hair is all-clean and you need and quick method of drying it; and before we get the drying part lets stop and think bout how we want to where our hair, now seeing as we have a short bobbed length with about 8 inches of hair to work with we need to apply a styling aid and that would be in the form of a lotion or cream. I prefer the lotion myself, so apply the setting lotion to the hair this will act as a fixative that will lock the style in place. Next we are ready to blow with a handheld blow dryer; this process will take twenty to twenty-five min. After blowing the hair dry we are ready to style the hair. Now that we have decided that we want some bounce and curl in our hair for the day here is how we will get the results needed for a day at the office and an evening on the town. You will need a medium to large curling iron (a heat motivated instrument) and a light styling spray.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay --
The Great Depression was an absolute economic disaster that occurred after the big stock market crash of 1929. This crashed occurred mainly because of all the excitement caused by the Roaring Twenties. Popular items like automobiles and household appliances ended up being produced in much greater quantities than were being sold. The current president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, was not succeeding at all in putting an end to The Great Depression. All Americans were desperate to find someone who would aid them in climbing out the great sink hole that was the stability of the United States. Thankfully, for them, Mr. Hoover’s successor will be the man to do the trick of bringing America out of that hole. The First and Second New Deals were responses to the worst economic tragedy in American history. Without these deals, America’s economy would have been disastrous for much longer and could have easily had a role on our economic stability today. After taking oath of office on March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt knew that he was going to have a lot on his presidential plate. At this point in time, the economy was almost to the point of completely collapsing. Roosevelt grew up in a rich family and was never one that ever had to work just to make ends meet. He was quite intelligent, graduating from Harvard. He is known for having a charming personality and he knew how to persuade anyone to get what he wanted done accomplished. After graduating from Harvard, he started a career in banking and then went on to become the governor of New York in 1928. So, he was more than qualified for the presidency and many had faith that he could play a big role in saving America’s economy. On March 5, 1933, one day after taking oath, Roos... ...f The Great Depression. Roosevelt and his administrations efforts simply put people back to work helped stabilize the economy and gave Americans hope. Some parts of the New Deals were successful, some were not so much so. All of these acts are also responsible for providing an infrastructure to the current economic system of America and it also provided smaller things like great roads, bridges and dams to greater acts like Social Security. Roosevelt’s reforms put an end to many disasters but on the other hand, he knew there were problems that he could not change so he left them be. His efforts were so well-known and praised that after he ran for election again in 1936, he beat the Republican Party by a landslide which showed that the Americans supported him and his great actions. He deserves most, if not all of the credit for the successes of the American economy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Initial Public Offer
Initial public offer (IPO) as the name suggests refers to when a company goes public or issue shares of the company to the public in order to raise capital for the first time. After the IPO, the company gets listed and its shares are traded on stock exchange. Once it gets listed then the permission to trade these shares is granted by shareholders i. e. to whom the shares have been allotted in the IPO. There can be many reasons for bringing out an IPO. First, when the company issues new shares to the public, then the money raised from public goes to the company. Second, when the Govt. Sell their stake in the company to the public, then the money raised goes to the Govt. (like the disinvestment of PSUs). However, one must be wondering why would individuals invest in a particular company? The answer is dividends. The shareholders expect the company will distribute the share of future profits among them as dividends. How an IPO is conducted IPOs generally involve book runners i. e. one or more investment banks known as underwriters. The underwriters retain a portion of the proceeds as their fee. This fee is called an underwriting spread. Various methods of conducting an IPO are Dutch auction, Firm Commitment, Best Efforts, Bought Deal and Self Distribution of stock. IPOs can be made through the Fixed Price Method or Book Building Method. In the fixed price method, the price at which the securities are offered is fixed in advance. In the book building method, the investors have to bid for shares within a price band specified by the issuer and the final price is decided after observing the result of the bidding. The fixing of the band and the bidding process are done with the help of an investment bank or a group of several companies specializing in securities. While most of the companies are eligible to make a public issue are free to decide the price band but infrastructure companies are subject to follow SEBI norms as well as banks are required to get RBI’s permission. The prices are decided by the company's board of directors, which fixes the band after consulting the book runner (particularly an investment bank). In India, the issuer is allowed a price band of 20% (that is the cap of band should not be more than 20% above the floor price i. e. the lowest price that a seller will accept). After deciding the band, bids are invited on all prices of the band. Once the book is closed, the seller fixes the price at which all of its shares will get sold. However, there can be a situation of Oversubscription of an IPO (i. e. if applications are received for more number of shares than the company is authorised to allot). In that case, the allocations would be done proportionately among all the successful bidders i. e. among those bidders who did bidding at the price determined by the company or at the price higher than that. After the price has been determined on the basis of bidding, the public advertisement containing the rice as well as table showing the number of securities and the amount payable by an investor is issued. Various Investors Involved ? ? ? Retail Investors Non-Institutional Investors Qualified Institutional Buyers If a company is making an issue through 100 % book building process then1) Minimum 35% shall be offered to Retail Investors 2) Minimum 15% shall be offered to Non-Institutional Investors 3) Maximum 50% shall be off ered to Qualified Institutional Buyers. There can also be FPO (Follow on public offer) when company’s offer to the public is not for the first time. There are certain advantages attached with going public. Capital can be used to pay off existing debt or to fund capital expenditure. Moreover, another advantage is an increased public awareness of a particular company as IPOs helps in attracting new potential customers which may ultimately leads to increase in the market share of a company. Before deciding whether to go public or not, a company must evaluate all the potential benefits or challenges that will arise. The book runners involved in the process (i. e. investment banks) are given the responsibility to find out the pros and cons of an IPO and determine whether it is favourable or not for the company.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Enrique Pena Nieto, Former President of Mexico
Enrique Pena Nieto, Former President of Mexico Enrique Peà ±a Nieto (born July 20, 1966) is a Mexican lawyer and politician. A member of the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party), he was elected president of Mexico in 2012 for a six-year term. Mexican presidents are only allowed to serve a single term. Fast Facts: Enrique Peà ±a Nieto Known For: President of Mexico, 2012–2018Born: July 20, 1966 in Atlacomulco, State of Mexico, MexicoParents: Gilberto Enrique Peà ±a del Mazo, Marà a del Perpetuo Socorro Ofelia Nieto SnchezEducation: Panamerican UniversityAwards and Honors: Collar of the Order of the Aztec Eagle, National Order of Juan Mora Fernndez, Grand Cross with Gold Plaque, Order of Prince Henry, Grand Collar, Order of Isabella the Catholic, Grand CrossSpouse(s): Mà ³nica Pretelini, Angà ©lica RiveraChildren: Paulina, Alejandro, Nicole (with Pretelini), one additional child outside marriage with Maritza Dà az HernndezNotable Quote: I hope for my children, and for all Mexicans, that they can be proud to be Mexican, proud of their heritage, and proud that they have a peaceful, inclusive, vibrant country that is playing a role in the world. Early Life Enrique Peà ±a Nieto was born on July 20, 1966 in Atlacomulco, a town about 50 miles northwest of Mexico City. His father Severiano Peà ±a was an electrical engineer and the mayor of the town of Acambay, located in the State of Mexico. Two uncles served as governors of the same state. During his junior year in high school, he went to Denis Hall School in Alfred, Maine to learn English. In 1984 he enrolled at the Panamerican University in Mexico City, where he earned a degree in legal studies. Marriage and Children Enrique Peà ±a Nieto married Mà ³nica Pretelini in 1993: she died suddenly in 2007, leaving him three children. He remarried in 2010 in a fairytale wedding to Mexican telenovelas star Angelica Rivera. He had a child out of wedlock in 2005. His attention to this child (or lack thereof) has been a persistent scandal. Political Career Enrique Peà ±a Nieto got an early start on his political career. He was a community organizer while still in his early 20s and has maintained a presence in politics ever since. In 1999, he worked on the campaign team of Arturo Montiel Rojas, who was elected governor of Mexico State. Montiel rewarded him with the position of administrative secretary. Peà ±a Nieto was elected to replace Montiel in 2005 as governor, serving from 2005–2011. In 2011, he won the PRI Presidential nomination and immediately became the front-runner for the 2012 elections. 2012 Presidential Election Peà ±a had been a well-liked governor: he had delivered popular public works for the State of Mexico during his administration. His popularity, combined with his movie-star good looks, made him the early favorite in the election. His main opponents were leftist Andres Manuel Là ³pez Obrador of the Party of the Democratic Revolution and Josefina Vzquez Mota of the conservative National Action Party. Peà ±a ran on a platform of security and economic growth and overcame his partys past reputation for corruption in winning the election. A record turnout of 63 percent of eligible voters chose Peà ±a (38% of the vote) over Là ³pez Obrador (32%) and Vzquez (25%). Opposing parties claimed several campaign violations by the PRI, including vote-buying and receiving extra media exposure, but the results stood. Peà ±a took office on Dec. 1, 2012, replacing outgoing President Felipe Calderà ³n. Public Perception Although he was elected easily and most polls suggested a decent approval rating, some disliked Peà ±a Nietos public persona. One of his worst public gaffes came at a book fair, where he claimed to be a big fan of the popular novel The Eagles Throne. When pressed, he could not name the author. This was a serious blunder because the book was written by the prestigious Carlos Fuentes, one of Mexicos most celebrated novelists. Others found Peà ±a Nieto to be robotic and far too slick. He has often been compared, in a negative manner, to American politician John Edwards. The notion (correct or not) that he was a stuffed shirt also raised concerns due to the PRI partys notoriously corrupt past. By August 2016, Peà ±a Nieto had the lowest approval rating of any Mexican president since polling began in 1995. The number dipped even further to a mere 12% when gas prices rose in January 2017.​ Challenges for Peà ±a Nietos Administration President Peà ±a took control of Mexico during a troubled time. One big challenge was fighting the drug lords that control much of Mexico. Powerful cartels with private armies of professional soldiers make billions of dollars trafficking drugs every year. They are ruthless and do not hesitate to murder policemen, judges, journalists, politicians, or anyone else who challenges them. Felipe Calderà ³n, Peà ±a Nieto’s predecessor as president, declared an all-out war on the cartels, kicking over a hornet’s nest of death and mayhem. Mexico’s economy, an important factor for Mexican voters, took a huge hit during the international crisis of 2009. Peà ±a Nieto was friendly with the United States and stated that he wanted to maintain and strengthen economic ties with his neighbor to the north. Peà ±a Nieto has had a mixed record. During his tenure, police captured the nations most notorious drug lord, Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, but Guzman escaped from prison not long afterward. This was a huge embarrassment for the president. Even worse was the disappearance of 43 college students near the town of Iguala in September 2014: they are presumed dead at the hands of the cartels. Further challenges developed during the campaign and election of President Donald Trump in the United States. With proclaimed policies of a border wall paid for by Mexico, U.S.-Mexico relations took a turn for the worse. The End of Peà ±a Nietos Presidency Toward the end of 2018, additional scandals erupted for the Peà ±a Nieto presidency. Construction of a luxury home for the president and his wife by a company that was then awarded a large government contract led to accusations of conflict of interest. The president was never found guilty of wrongdoing, but he nevertheless found himself apologizing for the outcome. Peà ±a Nieto and his administration were also accused of spying on journalists and political activists. At the same time, an increase in drug trafficking and violence seemed to be linked to the outcome of the 2018 elections. Just before leaving the presidency, Peà ±a Nieto was involved with negotiations with the United States and Canada to restructure the NAFTA trade agreement. The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was signed on Peà ±a Nietos last day in office at the G20 Summit in Argentina. Sources: Puente, Teresa. Mexicos Telenovela President: Enrique Peà ±a Nietos Saga of Scandal, Gaffes, and Connections. The Daily Beast.Univision Noticias. Biografà a de Enrique Peà ±a Nieto.Wilkinson, Tracy and Ken Ellingwood. Mexicos Enrique Peà ±a Nieto, man of mystery. Los Angeles Times.Seelke, Clare Ribando. Mexicos 2012 Elections. ​Congressional Research Service.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Get the Url of a Hyperlink in a TWebBrowser Document
Get the Url of a Hyperlink in a TWebBrowser Document The TWebBrowser Delphi component provides access to the Web browser functionality from your Delphi applications. In most situations you use the TWebBrowser to display HTML documents to the user - thus creating your own version of the (Internet Explorer) Web browser. Note that the TWebBrowser can also display Word documents, for example. A very nice feature of a Browser is to display link information, for example, in the status bar, when the mouse hovers over a link in a document. The TWebBrowser does not expose an event like OnMouseMove. Even if such an event would exist it would be fired for the TWebBrowser component - NOT for the document being displayed inside the TWebBrowser. In order to provide such information (and much more, as you will see in a moment) in your Delphi application using the TWebBrowser component, a technique called events sinking must be implemeted. WebBrowser Event Sink To navigate to a web page using the TWebBrowser component you call the Navigate method. The Document property of the TWebBrowser returns an IHTMLDocument2 value (for web documents). This interface is used to retrieve information about a document, to examine and modify the HTML elements and text within the document, and to process related events. To get the href attribute (link) of an a tag inside a document, while the mouse hovers over a document, you need to react on the onmousemove event of the IHTMLDocument2. Here are the steps to sink events for the currently loaded document: Sink the WebBrowser controls events in the DocumentComplete event raised by the TWebBrowser. This event is fired when the document is fully loaded into the Web Browser.Inside DocumentComplete, retrieve the WebBrowsers document object and sink the HtmlDocumentEvents interface.Handle the event you are interested in.Clear the sink in the in BeforeNavigate2 - that is when the new document is loaded in the Web Browser. HTML Document OnMouseMove Since we are interested in the HREF attribute of an A element - in order to show the URL of a link the mouse is over, we will sink the onmousemove event. The procedure to get the tag (and its attributes) below the mouse can be defined as: var   htmlDoc : IHTMLDocument2; ... procedure TForm1.Document_OnMouseOver; var   element : IHTMLElement; begin   if htmlDoc nil then Exit;   element : htmlDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement;   elementInfo.Clear;   if LowerCase(element.tagName) a then   begin     ShowMessage(Link, HREF : element.getAttribute(href,0)]) ;   end   else if LowerCase(element.tagName) img then   begin     ShowMessage(IMAGE, SRC : element.getAttribute(src,0)]) ;   end   else   begin     elementInfo.Lines.Add(Format(TAG : %s,[element.tagName])) ;   end; end; (*Document_OnMouseOver*) As explained above, we attach to the onmousemove event of a document in the OnDocumentComplete event of a TWebBrowser: procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(   ASender: TObject;   const pDisp: IDispatch;   var URL: OleVariant) ; begin   if Assigned(WebBrowser1.Document) then   begin     htmlDoc : WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2;     htmlDoc.onmouseover : (TEventObject.Create(Document_OnMouseOver) as IDispatch) ;   end; end; (*WebBrowser1DocumentComplete*) And this is where the problems arise! As you might guess the onmousemove event is *not* a usual event - as are those we are used to work with in Delphi. The onmousemove expects a pointer to a variable of type VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH that receives the IDispatch interface of an object with a default method that is invoked when the event occurs. In order to attach a Delphi procedure to onmousemove you need to create a wrapper that implements IDispatch and raises your event in its Invoke method. Heres the TEventObject interface: TEventObject class(TInterfacedObject, IDispatch) private   FOnEvent: TObjectProcedure; protected   function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;   function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;   function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;   function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; public   constructor Create(const OnEvent: TObjectProcedure) ;   property OnEvent: TObjectProcedure read FOnEvent write FOnEvent;   end; Heres how to implement event sinking for a document displayed by the TWebBrowser component - and get the info of a HTML element below the mouse. TWebBrowser Document Event Sinking Example Download Drop a TWebBrowser (WebBrowser1) on a Form (Form1). Add a TMemo (elementInfo)... unit Unit1;interfaceuses  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, OleCtrls, SHDocVw, MSHTML, ActiveX, StdCtrls;type  TObjectProcedure procedure of object;  TEventObject class(TInterfacedObject, IDispatch)  private    FOnEvent: TObjectProcedure;  protected    function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall;    function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall;    function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;    function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall;  public    constructor Create(const OnEvent: TObjectProcedure) ;    property OnEvent: TObjectProcedure read FOnEvent writ e FOnEvent;  end;  TForm1 class(TForm)    WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;    elementInfo: TMemo;    procedure WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool) ;    procedure WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant) ;    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ;  private    procedure Document_OnMouseOver;  public    { Public declarations }  end;var  Form1: TForm1;  htmlDoc : IHTMLDocument2;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.Document_OnMouseOver;var  element : IHTMLElement;begin  if htmlDoc nil then Exit;  element : htmlDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement;  elementInfo.Clear;  if LowerCase(element.tagName) a then  begin    elementInfo.Lines. Add(LINK info...) ;    elementInfo.Lines.Add(Format(HREF : %s,[element.getAttribute(href,0)])) ;  end  else if LowerCase(element.tagName) img then  begin    elementInfo.Lines.Add(IMAGE info...) ;    elementInfo.Lines.Add(Format(SRC : %s,[element.getAttribute(src,0)])) ;  end  else  begin    elementInfo.Lines.Add(Format(TAG : %s,[element.tagName])) ;  end;end; (*Document_OnMouseOver*)procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ;begin  WebBrowser1.Navigate( ;  elementInfo.Clear;  elementInfo.Lines.Add(Move your mouse over the document...) ;end; (*FormCreate*)procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool) ;begin  htmlDoc : nil;end; (*WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2*)procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(ASend er: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant) ;begin  if Assigned(WebBrowser1.Document) then  begin    htmlDoc : WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2;    htmlDoc.onmouseover : (TEventObject.Create(Document_OnMouseOver) as IDispatch) ;  end;end; (*WebBrowser1DocumentComplete*){ TEventObject }constructor TEventObject.Create(const OnEvent: TObjectProcedure) ;begin  inherited Create;  FOnEvent : OnEvent;end;function TEventObject.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;begin  Result : E_NOTIMPL;end;function TEventObject.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult;begin  Result : E_NOTIMPL;end;function TEventObject.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;begin  Result : E_NOTIMPL;end;function TEventObject.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepIn fo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;begin  if (DispID DISPID_VALUE) then  begin    if Assigned(FOnEvent) then FOnEvent;    Result : S_OK;  end  else Result : E_NOTIMPL;end;end.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Employee Relations Service-Profit Value Chain
Employee Relations Service-Profit Value Chain The service-profit value chain (SPVC) is a model of the relationship between employee productivity, service delivery, and customer satisfaction that explains the link between customer service as a broad concept and business profitability. Although the model is generally well-known, it does not seem to attract as much academic attention as other concepts in CRM. That is unfortunate because the SPVC is one of the more flexible and practical analytical models available; if understood and applied correctly, it is equally useful as a tool for external analysis of firms as well as a tool for planning. The Basic Concept behind the SPVC: Employees Come First The development of the SPVC is attributed to a group of Harvard Business School faculty members led by James L. Heskett, and the model was introduced in an article in the Harvard Business Review in 1994 (â€Å"Putting the Service-Profit Value Chain to Work†, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1994). The basic concept of the SPVC, the ‘links’ in the chain, is expressed as a series of propositions: Profit and growth result from customer loyalty. Customer loyalty results from customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction results from service value. Service value results from employee loyalty and productivity. Employee loyalty and productivity are results of employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction results from internal service quality. Internal service quality refers to the working environment – working conditions, compensation and rewards, policies, and support that facilitate the delivery of service by employees. The philosophy â€Å"Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business,†expressed in different ways by management icons like Virgin’s Richard Branson, Southwest Airlines’ Herb Kelleher or Enterprise Rent-a-Car’s Jack Taylor is not just homespun wisdom, but really the fundamental idea behind the SPVC. The customer is naturally the highest priority, but the business can’t meet the customer’s needs unless it has something to deliver; and the only way the business can accomplish that is to cultivate its workforce, which makes internal service quality the first objective. You may be interested in: Five Forces Analysis SWOT Analysis Five Components of Service Management The ADL Matrix and Gap Analysis Ansoff, Boston, and the Strategy Clock The SPVC as an Empirical Model One of the advantages of the SPVC as an analytical tool is that it can be configured as kind of empirical model. Heskett, et al. made the argument that customer satisfaction – and consequently, customer loyalty leading to profitability for the firm – is the result of the customer’s perception of service value. The service value perception is a judgment by the customer that compares the outcomes of the service and the quality of the process to the price of the service and other costs to the customer to obtain the service. The customer assessment can be expressed as a customer value equation: [SO + PQ]/[P + C] = CV → CL → PROFIT Of course, in order for this equation to be useful, some meaningful values have to be assigned to the variables, and that might present a bit of a challenge. The easiest way to approach the problem is to start with the variables that have a known value: Price (P) and Profit; profit should be expressed as a numerical value, i.e. price times profit margin. Other customer costs (C) can be estimated; factors such as the price differential between the firm’s product or service and that of a competitor, the difference in distance a customer has to travel to reach the business rather than a competitor, shipping or transfer costs, and costs in time required for the customer to obtain the product or service all account for C, and with a little research a fairly accurate estimate can be generated. Service Outcome (SO) is a bit more difficult, but if it is generalized to represent ‘completion of a transaction’, it can be handled with a Likert Scale. For example: 1 – Transaction not completed 2 – Transaction completed, but below customer expectations 3 – Transaction completed, met customer expectations 4 – Transaction completed, exceeded customer expectations Note that in this scale there is no ‘0’. A transaction that is not completed or is otherwise entirely unsatisfactory to the customer probably deserves a ‘0’, but that would also increase the likelihood that the left side of the equation would equal ‘0’; not only would that be mathematically incorrect (unless profit happens to equal ‘0’ as well), but it is simply not very helpful in analyzing problems with service. Process quality (PQ) is the most subjective factor, but because this entire formula is an expression of customer perceptions, a scale similar to the one used to assign a value to SO can be used here. Here’s how it looks with real numbers plugged in: Wacky Lube, a chain of auto service shops, has done a customer survey about their $9.99 quick oil change service, which at that price has a margin of 15%. The company has decided to focus on the time to complete the service as the key factor in other customer costs; they learn through the survey that their customers have an average income of about $30,000, and spend an average of 21 minutes waiting for the service to be completed. Overall, the customers surveyed rate the service outcome at 2.5, and the process quality at 3.1. Thus, SO = 2.5 PQ = 3.1 P = 9.99 C = 5.25 (at $30,000 a year, a full-time worker is earning $0.25 per minute) PROFIT = 1.50 ($9.99 x 15%) [2.5 + 3.1]/[9.99 + 5.25] = CV → 1.50 0.3675 = CV, which corresponds to $1.50 profit for the quick-oil-change service. This is the point where the equation becomes only â€Å"sort of†empirical. First and most noticeably, the contribution of internal service quality and employee satisfaction is completely missing from this formula. That is an omission in the research literature as well; despite the importance given to employee satisfaction, there has been very little if any scholarly work done to this point to try to model it, possibly because internal service environments differ greatly from one workplace to another. As it is, the equation only indicates that some undefined status quo in Wacky Lube’s internal service environment correlates to a CV of 0.3675, leaving Wacky Lube’s management with a bit more work to do to figure out the connections. The second problem is that the profit and the CV can be and probably are mutually exclusive; revenues are a function of customer value/customer loyalty as a sales driver, but profits are a function of costs. There are some circumstances where costs are related to customer loyalty – for instance, greater customer retention or repeat business tends to lower some costs – but caution must be exercised in applying the results of the SPVC analysis.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Healthcare - Essay Example The reasons for the stated, as a reading of Hamill's (2007) article indicates, lay in the country's highly competitive two-party system, budget constraints and the complex nature of legislature. Although Pennsylvania has one of the highest healthcare insurance percentages in the country, its Democratic governor, Edward G. Rendell is determined to expand coverage to include all uninsured adults and cut down on healthcare costs. As Hamill (2007) reports, governor Rendell is currently proposing that the state adopt a number of measures intended to reduce the cost of healthcare and, thus, extend healthcare to the state's 760,000 uninsured adults. Prior to the current proposal, Governor Rendell had declared his intent to sign a bill establishing a single-payer system, effectively making the state the insurer for the uninsured. The estimated cost of the aforementioned, however, forced him to reconsider this route (Hamill, 2007). Healthcare insurance is a problem but as one may infer from the article, one of the primary obstacles to the implementation of solutions lies, not in the inordinately complex nature of the problem itself but, in the nation's two-party system.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Employee Health Insurance Plans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Employee Health Insurance Plans - Assignment Example The first factor that was considered is the issue of price and the financial implications that each of the four plans would have on both the company and the employees. Of all the four plans, Empire health plan was the cheapest in the individual category at $ 4,217. The family package for Empire health plan was relatively expensive compared to Metroplus although the difference was insignificant (Morrisey, 2008). Regardless, the main emphasis was put on the individual plan cost because employees had the right to opt out of the family plan. For maximum benefits and to attract the backing of the employees, Empire health plan was considered the ideal plan in this front. Another factor that was important in coming up with the decision was the performance measure of each of the four health plans. In particular, aspects to do with adult health and children care were considered and analyzed against state averages. In this aspect, Empire still stood out beating the other three health plans by a big margin. Empire had better scores in all the measures of adult health except in managing medications where it came in second. For instance, in managing cardiovascular conditions empire was the only plan that had all the measures at par with the statewide averages. Aetna on the other hand, had lesser averages in controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol management. The same was true for Oxford and Metroplus health plans. Empire excelled in the other performance measures as well. For example, in managing preventive care, it had the best averages in all the measures. Despite having lesser than statewide average score in adult BMI assessment, its score was relatively better than all the others. The same trend was reflected in the other variables such as managing acute illnesses, respiratory conditions and diabetes. All these variables are important considerations in both female and male adult employees and
Change and Continuity in Contemporary Business Essay
Change and Continuity in Contemporary Business - Essay Example Denmark has flat organisational structure and informal work culture that facilitate in creating a comfortable working environment. The people of Denmark are straightforward in nature and wish for morality and honesty. The cost of living is quite high in Denmark due to its high salary structure. Furthermore, Danish managers generally have good understanding about satisfying the employees’ requirements. These are major internal aspects which influence on the business of Denmark. The external influences on businesses in Denmark include its strong regulatory system, good economic condition and stable political state. The tax structure in Denmark is comparatively high as the government of Denmark spends considerable money on social welfare activities. Globalisation has also influenced Denmark in numerous aspects. Globalisation is an unavoidable phenomenon which has both positive as well as negative influence on Denmark. On one side, globalisation has generated new prospects for con temporary business, but it also brings in challenges for organisations with respect to requirement of skilled workforce and capability for coping up with the competitors. However, Denmark is quite capable to manage the challenges of globalisation and take advantages of it. The influence of globalisation has been found on employment market, administrative policies, educational system, trade policies and business decision making. Denmark has effectively responded to globalisation’s impact. Due to globalisation, Denmark has reformed the monetary strategies. It has also reorganised the administration by reducing number of states and developing new regulations. Denmark’s entrepreneurship policies are also affected by globalisation with constant focus on entrepreneurial teaching and education. In order to maintain its position in the international economy, Denmark has close relationship with numerous international organisations. The immigration policies of Denmark have also changed considerably with increased focus on Danish language. The government has developed many new educational strategies in order to increase the competitiveness of people. Nevertheless, Denmark requires constant reformation of policies and strategies to get complete benefits from globalisation and tackle every challenge effectively. The government needs to ensure education for every Danish citizen. There is need for upgrading the educational curriculum. Furthermore, the government of Denmark must spend more on research and development functions to preserve the competitiveness of organisations. Strong regulations and effective policies are significant for Denmark to maintain its position in the world as a wealthy nation and retain the desirability of foreign companies. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 5 Literature Review 5 Critical Analysis 11 Conclusion and Recommendations 21 References 23 Bibliography 29 Introduction The report has been developed for analysing the contemporary business in Denmark. The aim of this report is to generate understanding about various internal as well as external factors of Denmark which can influence the business. The report includes position of Denmark in the world economy and influence of globalisation on its policies and decision making. Furthermore, the report also focuses on the effectiveness of Denmark in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Strategic Situation Analysis of ARM Holdings Coursework
Strategic Situation Analysis of ARM Holdings - Coursework Example Instead of their own cost associated manufacturing of semiconductor business, they licence their own designed technology to other semiconductor manufacturers across the world and they utilise the designs to make innovative low energy chips for modern hi-tech electronic devices (ARM Ltd, 2012). This business report contains an in-depth analysis of some important areas like the current strategic situation of ARM Holdings which includes analysis of the industry or sector which has the key findings of current scenario, opportunities, challenges, future growth etc. Analysis of the organization’s current business strategies like SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, market positioning, product differentiation etc; critical appraisal of these strategies which results the key findings of the important business characteristics like sustainability, competitive advantages and extent of outcome of these strategies with respect current industry scenario will also be discussed in this report. Industry or Business Environment Analysis Companies in the microprocessor industry make hi-tech chips which are the core or heart of many digital electronic products which include but are not limited to computers, mobile phones, calculators, digital cameras, video game consolers and PDAs. First microprocessor which was invented for commercial use was Intel 4004 (Roony, 2012). Some of the top blue chip companies can be found in this industry and they have been continuously producing innovative chips which have brought remarkable results in today’s advanced digital electronics world. ... Effective implementation of extended business model ARM can is innovating additional types of advanced technology, generating strong royalties to the brand from a single multipurpose hi-tech microprocessor. The company’s financial policies and objectives can balance the essential need for continuous investment inflow to generate long term sustainable growth for the company. The value to per consumer is increasing day by day with the spread of digital embedded of devices across the world.
Should the tax laws be reformed to encourage saving(pro and con) Essay
Should the tax laws be reformed to encourage saving(pro and con) - Essay Example When similar activities are subjected to different tax treatments, households and businesses respond to the tax code rather than the underlying economic fundamentals. Economic efficiency is increased by broadening of the tax base and lowering of the tax rates. The costs of distortions caused by high tax rates will be reduced. These are approximately proportional to the square of the tax rate. Also, a simpler tax code would reduce the considerable resources which are presently devoted to complying with current tax laws; and the freed-up resources could be used for more productive purposes. Another important principle is that some predictability in the tax code would facilitate better forward-looking economic decision-making by households and businesses. (Greenspan, Allan: Chairman 2005) The tax code includes many incentives intended to increase savings to finance retirement, health care, higher education, and so on. These savings incentives, which exempt some income from tax, have moved the current tax system in the direction of a consumption base. Researchers have raised questions about how much if any, net new savings they stimulate. (21st Century Challenges†¦p.73). If designing a tax system from scratch, one based on consumption rather than income, would be better for promoting economic growth. A consumtion tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. The retail sales tax, value added taxes, the personal consumption tax and the flat tax are all types of consumption taxes. They vary in their collection points and structure. In future it will become increasingly important for the nation to boost resources available, through greater national saving and enhanced incentives for participation in the labor force. The tax system has the potential to con tribute importantly to those goals, and so at the very least tax reform should not hinder the achievement of those objectives. Importantly, fundamental, thorough tax reform include difficult choices
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Strategic Situation Analysis of ARM Holdings Coursework
Strategic Situation Analysis of ARM Holdings - Coursework Example Instead of their own cost associated manufacturing of semiconductor business, they licence their own designed technology to other semiconductor manufacturers across the world and they utilise the designs to make innovative low energy chips for modern hi-tech electronic devices (ARM Ltd, 2012). This business report contains an in-depth analysis of some important areas like the current strategic situation of ARM Holdings which includes analysis of the industry or sector which has the key findings of current scenario, opportunities, challenges, future growth etc. Analysis of the organization’s current business strategies like SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, market positioning, product differentiation etc; critical appraisal of these strategies which results the key findings of the important business characteristics like sustainability, competitive advantages and extent of outcome of these strategies with respect current industry scenario will also be discussed in this report. Industry or Business Environment Analysis Companies in the microprocessor industry make hi-tech chips which are the core or heart of many digital electronic products which include but are not limited to computers, mobile phones, calculators, digital cameras, video game consolers and PDAs. First microprocessor which was invented for commercial use was Intel 4004 (Roony, 2012). Some of the top blue chip companies can be found in this industry and they have been continuously producing innovative chips which have brought remarkable results in today’s advanced digital electronics world. ... Effective implementation of extended business model ARM can is innovating additional types of advanced technology, generating strong royalties to the brand from a single multipurpose hi-tech microprocessor. The company’s financial policies and objectives can balance the essential need for continuous investment inflow to generate long term sustainable growth for the company. The value to per consumer is increasing day by day with the spread of digital embedded of devices across the world.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Kennedy as the President of United States Essay
Kennedy as the President of United States - Essay Example Talking about his family background, Kennedy was born in Brookline Massachusetts. Jack Kennedy joined military services during the Second World War. Although he was first rejected because of his chronic backache, he somehow got himself in the naval services due to his father’s influence. During the Second World War, Jack Kennedy served in motor torpedo squadron and got himself a medal due to his bravery and presence of mind during a patrol when they got attacked by a Japanese submarine and he got all his crew members safely on an island instead of surrendering to the Japanese. Kennedy had to represent his family politically after his brother who was the torch bearer of the family got killed in action. Kennedy had been the mayor of Boston and got elected three times as a member of The Congress. He represented the congress party in the elections of 1960 and defeated his opponent Richard Nixon to be elected as the president of the United States. It should be called as unlucky for the young president that he came at the time when everything in the country was unstable. The country was facing international crisis as well as it was also on the verge of a civil war. The cold war, the Cuban missile crisis, the bay of pigs, the rights of the African Americans, all these were the problems that the newly elected president had to face during his stay at the oval office. But, it always had been his utmost priority to work for the nation. From the very first day of him as a president, he had been following the very rule set by Theodore Roosevelt, i.e. â€Å"a president is bound to be as big a man as he can†(Reston 1963). President Kennedy always advocated for non violent solutions of all the issues. He was a pacifist. It had been his utmost priority throughout his time as the president to pacify all the violent actives happening around him (Reston 1963). It was in his time as the president that the civil rights bill was passed. He was the one to speak for the equity and justice for all. Before he was elected as the president, in his election campaign he spoke for the rights of African Americans which gave them a little hope. His efforts to stop both internal and external violence are very significant in stabilizing the situation of the country. Kennedy gave protection to the African American community of the United States. He gave them their rights. Once he used his father’s influence for the release of King jr. when he was arrested during a protest. His efforts for non violence in the country were acknowledged by all. â€Å".It ought to be possible†¦ for American students of any color to attend any public institution they select without having to be backed up by troops.†â€Å"It ought to be possible for American consumers of any color to receive equal service in places of public accommodation, such as hotels and restaurants and theaters and retail stores, without being forced to resort to demonstrations in the stree t, and it ought to be possible for American citizens of any color to register and to vote in a free election without interference or fear of reprisal.†â€Å"It ought to be possible, in short, for every American to enjoy the privileges of being American without regard to his race or his color. In short, every American ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated. But this is not the case†¦
Compare the theme of outsiders in Frankenstein Essay Example for Free
Compare the theme of outsiders in Frankenstein Essay D, so he wanted to join the terrorist group to seek revenge. In this respect Daz is similar to the monster, they are both willing to commit heinous crimes for vengeance. Del thats my brovver thay catch im raiding wiv Dred. Top him dont thay. This quote shows how Dazs brother was killing in a raid with Dred. After the night in the Blue Moon where he saved Zoe and her friends, Daz finds himself an outcast from two societies. He was still physically a chippy, which means he is not allowed in Silverdale; however, he helped out the enemy subbies which make him not an accepted chippy. After Daz and Zoe they contact each other through letters and finally when they meet, the reader recognise that Daz does not want to be a chippy. Throughout this novel we are constantly reminded of this forbidden love. I seen this Subby girl, our mam. Forget her, Daz. Not easy, our mam. Not easy. Daz is given a negative response from his mum, when he explains that he has met Zoe. However, once Daz meets Zoe he realises he does not want to be an outsider any longer, Dazs priorities and views of subbies change. Like Victor, Daz is very determined; he takes a lot of risks for Zoe and to make his life better. It appears to the reader that Zoe has the perfect life, money, nice houses, cars and good facilities. However it becomes evermore clear that Zoe feels trapped and unhappy. Zoe is an outsider because after she meets Daz, Silverdale citizens see her as a chippy lover. Thats why we have fences and lights and guards some kids get fed up being cooped up a suburbs a pretty nice place but any place with a fence aroundll get to you, eventually. This quote shows the reader how a Subby teenager can become fed up with the enclosed lifestyle. Zoe feels this because she is brainwashed into believing her existence is happy and enjoyable. Similar to Daz, when the two forbidden lovers meet her priorities changes. Zoe the loyal and hard working daughter rebels against her parents old fashioned and single minded views. Unlike Daz, Zoe is an outsider by choice. Her easiest option could have been to lead a normal life as a young, well-educated Silverdale resident. Nevertheless, Zoe decides to leave the suburb and live in the city, choosing to become an outsider from two societies. Zoe chooses to be an outsider and is similar to Victor; she sees that defending things that are important to her holds great risks. For the first time I contemplated the enormity of the step I had just taken This quote shows how Zoe realises that she has left her Subby life to live in the city; this is the first physical sign of her becoming an outsider. In Daz 4 Zoe Zoes Grandmother is not an obvious outsider. To begin with Grandma is not a visible outsider, although later we go on to find she is the founder of the illegitimate organisation. She is very similar to Robert Walton as they are both outsiders in their thoughts and views, however they are not outcasts. Grandma was part of an underground outfit called F. A. I. R, which stands for Fraternal Alliance for Integration through Reunification. Resembling Victor, Robert Walton and Zoe, she is an outsider through choice and these views influence Zoe. Daz 4 Zoe and Frankenstein both discuss outsiders in society, and how people can be born outcasts and how others chose to be secluded from society because of their ambitions, beliefs or interests. We read how Daz and the Monster we forced into seclusion, isolated from society. Also how Zoe, Victor, Grandma and Robert Walton choose to live their lives dangerously and even unhappily because of their thoughts. The nineteenth century literature and the contemporary novel are relevant to todays society. In the present culture we have different castes, religions, races even different accents, Daz 4 Zoe shows an extreme version of abused power and prejudice. Due to advances in medical science in the present day limbs can be sewn on, body parts reshaped new skin tissue be formed. Frankenstein again shows excessive power, since the novel was written we have had cloning and artificial body parts The two novels both are severe results of social issues we have today. I feel the moral of the two novels combined is that with no action, modern society could find themselves in these difficult situations. 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? Search for
Monday, October 14, 2019
Processes of Business Research
Processes of Business Research Introduction Here we understand what research is?; it is another word for gathering information or facts or data. The more information, facts, or data we have is helpful to solve the problem and make our own good decisions. Business Research subject end result is action and implement the advance knowledge we gained by contributing to our own challenging life or future business aspects. We interact with everyday people of ordinary people and extra ordinary people such as teachers, students, scientists, professors, scholars, business owners, librarians, book keepers, politicians and many more which was the result of advance knowledge created in the past to gather information. Accordance, to the three year degree program and final year first semester one subject; business research helpful students to be aware of their surroundings and accommodating to answers to the business related questions. Subsequently, we have learnt about how research contributes to management, identification of the research process such as; discovering the management questions and research questions, research proposal, research design, data collection and preparation, data analysis and interpretation, report writing and etc. Also, how to use the secondary data to answer management questions, identify and apply appropriate designs for conducting specific business research, how sampling is accomplished in survey research and the difference between probability and non-probability sampling and formulate testable research hypothesis based on management questions. Learning Experiences 2.1 Learning Experiences of Business Research Learning is all about gaining knowledge of or skill in by study, experience or being taught. Learning experience is observing and reflecting on the consequences of an action in a situation. Concrete experience Testing implications of Observations and reflections concepts in new situations Formation of abstract concepts and generations Figure 1. The experimental Learning Model Learning has considered as a four-stage cycle. Gradual experience is the basis for observation and reflection. Today, successful manager or administrator is differentiating from each other by not having the knowledge or skills by their capability if adopt and familiarizing the changing demands of their job and career by using the learning skills. There is a mortal about learning such as one learns or he/ she does not. More explains mortal about learning is deficient of accepting the learning process. 2.2 Learning processes of Business Research Coventry University in United Kingdom provides with vast opportunities and links for the career path of a business student. Academic career gives the opportunity to select the career path in chosen and pretend field. Combination of academic and business link provides the authority for both educational and the corporate sector experiences. Most of the research standards in the reality of business as most of the theories are ratify in real world of business. Research simply means a search of facts solutions to problems and it is systematic and methodical investigation. In addition, it is an organized inquiry and increases knowledge. In the environment, there are different issues such as socio-economic, health problems, human relations, marketing, production, finance etc and research provides answers to those problems taking place in the society, industry and trade. A research project allows students to apply theory to, and or analyze more issues that are general. It offers students an opportunity to identify and select a research problem and investigate it independently. In Business research we learn about research concepts which explains definition and application of research and formulating and clarifying the research topic, literature review which conduct how to do a literature search and critically review and analyze the literature, the research proposal, research design, data gathering sampling and questionnaires such as identifying the population sampling procedure, advantages; data gathering questionnaires as different source of data collection, data gathering interviews and alternatives, reflective journal writing and reporting results by written format and by presentations. Accordance to the Business Research all ten topics are interesting and effective. But the most interesting topic was data gathering, sampling and questionnaires; which is a vast area of business research subject. Business Research methods or techniques vary from size of the company and information required. For an example, customer research might engage with customer feelings or experiences about utilizing a product or service by using customer satisfaction methods such as questionnaires, seminars or interviews. When researching public information, business statistics on financial and educational information in relates to product usage, customer demographics and hours of television viewed by customers in a one geographic area will be av ailable as a end result of the research. Sampling help us to overcome constrains and to carryout, our work effectively and make our judgment accurately. Besides, it helps limit the item selection in a suitable manner without making unnecessary expenses with budgetary requirements. Sampling procedure, which contains with nine topics, was new to learn in business research subject. It helps in decision making. Learning reasons of Business Research Business Research is important within the organization or outside the environment issues to be solve and find the solutions. Research helps to solve existing decision-making problems, which makes the organization more profitable and solve problems of immediate concern. Most organizations put much effort to gather information before they make decisions. Research has need of effort, time, and money to have data collection to make good decisions. Business Research consists of a program which tells and show how appropriate the collected and scrutinized information that always supportive for good decision making. When the research and analysis are completed, the result is communed to management. This is why business research is important as it provides information; concerning critical issues that have an influence on the target market and marketing mix. In addition, business research is corporate to modify the market and solve the organization uncorrected or wrong data to remote regions at affordable cost and business to earn more profits. Business fail to continue in resourceful way without business research and it is vital for every field of business. Therefore, we cannot run our businesses without business research. When learning about the business research, it helps us to conduct our own research to benefit our business and future. From time to time, good blueprint of instructions helps with the research process. Learning Experience in relation to academic development I have been involved in Business Research by identifying and classifying dissimilar diversity learning methods and the end result of it. The intension of this research of this business research is to recognize unusual methods have been taught and implement to solve organizations problems and to identify the learning styles and suitable learning modes which is available and to improve with the design of learning experiences. There are two goals of academic development; such as particular detailed subject matter and learning about strengths and weaknesses as a learner. Understanding on the subject matter and strengths and weaknesses helps and support a framework for continuing learning on the job. Learning experience is not restricted to the classroom but also turn out to be an essential and unambiguous work. On the job experience; becomes a focus for testing and exploring new ideas. Learning Experience in relation to Professional Development In Business Research studies practical professional development of statistical power is important as; planning of sample sizes prior to gathering data used to evaluate statistical hypotheses. This helps to conclude apposite sample size; has important limitations in actual business research studies. More important relative to research proposal and main report in sample size approach is available with statistical testing of multiple hypotheses using different testing methodologies. Therefore, dissimilar hypotheses need to be involve with; correlation or regression analysis, the use of structural equation modeling, analysis of variance. As a result, the employ of the sample size strength of mind in decision making and in the main report most such studies and at work. In addition, this subjects directions for future business too. It helps for my research goals such as; product or service I want to sell or to determine potential market, size of the competition or to test the effectiveness and the market position of the product and service of my future intend business. Learning Experience in relation to personal development Own personal development plan is a key fundamental part of our career journey. During the three year degree program thorough knowledge about the subject, diversity of skills that we develop is essential to become an independent researcher in everyday life. We need to understand and identify the starting point and where you want to be to sequence to plan well-organized, resourceful and competent direction to obtain where we want to be in future or in a business position. Therefore, business research program has been helpful to indentify my current skills and in order to proceed with all the design took to track the career journey. In addition, I have learnt; a range of social research methods techniques and skills and how they has been used to address particular research questions in management and business settings, survey design and analysis, a range of qualitative research methods, a range of quantitative methods of analysis, project planning and development, ethical problems and issues related to social research and management research in particular and how research in various management specialism have developed. Conclusion In business, environment research is a essential key our everyday decision making. It helps to find out the wrong information and save money and time. Research is significant success as acquiring day to day life challenges and decision making. Research plus action will assume a successful researcher. Research aim is to resolve the business or everyday life issues or problems, which occurred before or present with profitable or immediate concern. This helps to understand how research impact on our everyday and business decision making. Most people do not put much effort to collect or back up information or data. Only few do back them up. There is a risk or cost of making important decisions without gathering information for evidence for future reference.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Gender Inequality Within the US Essay -- Gender Studies
The USA has a long history of bestowing freedom, choice and equal rights upon its citizens, but even though the US government no longer discriminates against race or nationality, gender is still an issue. Women’s rights have come a long way since August 26th 1920 - The date in which The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was signed into law, granting women the right to vote, but the fight is not over yet. Republican politicians like Rick Santorum and Rick Perry along with right-wing fanatics like Rush Limbaugh and fundamentalist religious groups want to profoundly change the rights of women in America. The radical ideologies embraced by these people attest that the use of contraception and the in statement of sexual education are abolishing core American values. The more extreme believe that women are too stupid to make their own medical decisions. These right-wing radicals wage zealous wars on female sexuality and a woman’s right to her own body. Unsurprisingly abortion and contraception are hot topics among the anti-feminists movement. Radical Christians see abortion as an unforgivable sin, even in the case of rape, and contraception as something that should simply be outlawed. The majority of these factions are predominantly white, Christian males. Interestingly enough there are no groups that protest men’s rights or claim that men have too much freedom over their bod ies. The battle over women’s rights to reproductive health care has recently taken a substantial legal step backwards. In 2011 alone, 19 states have enacted a total of 162 new laws relating to reproductive health. Unsurprisingly, 49 percent of these work to restrict access to abortion services, smashing the previous record of 34 legalized restrictions passed... ...male-dominated-student-government-and-why-it-matters/>. "Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2010." In the Election of November 2010. U.S Census Bureau, Oct. 2011. Web. 02 Mar. 2012. . "The 2012 Statistical Abstract." U.S Census Bureau. U.S Census Bureau, 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2012. . "USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." U.S Census Bureau. U.S Census Bureau, 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. . "Facts on Contraceptive Use in the United States." Guttmacher Institute: Home Page. Guttmacher Institute and the National Center for Health Statistics, June 2012. Web. 04 Mar. 2012. .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Feminism as Sponsored by Gatorade and Nike :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Feminism as Sponsored by Gatorade and Nike The fourth wave of feminism is here and it is based solely on physical achievement. Exercise and sport has become one of the few arenas in which female competition is welcomed and savored. Commercials feature prominent female athletes challenging males, chanting the slogan "anything you can do, I can do better." Due to a variety of factors--improved knowledge about women's health, decreased focus on child-bearing, a cultural ideal of a fit and trim body--athletic success is now an acceptable and applauded goal for women, but at what cost? Part of this focus on the body must be due to the backlash against feminism. I am not speaking of Susan Faludi's theory and examples, but instead of a further backlash against her and everything for which she stands. The focus on the physical is a reaction against the intellectual. It is as if these women are saying "screw postmodern feminist theory. I've got work to do." I have met high school students who say feminism has nothing to do with them and that they are not feminists themselves, but these same girls win basketball scholarships and fight the school board to be placed on the football team. Where did the feminist label get such a bad reputation? Susan Faludi has some ideas in Backlash, but the student athletes will likely never read her book. They have little patience for feminist theory, but appreciate feminist practice. Instead of getting active in politics or academia, they get active on the courts and fields. Feminism has become not a battle of the minds, but a battle of the backhands. When the United States' women's team won the World Cup, the nation rejoiced. Soccer is not known as an American game, especially with its worldwide popularity. For some reason though, women have often been encouraged to play soccer in physical education classes the past twenty years; this is likely because no special equipment such as helmets, padding, etc. is required, thus keeping public school budgets well in check. While the men's team lost, the women's team won. It gave the United States a source of patriotism, a rariety in these global times. However, what I heard most comments from spectators did not revolve around the game itself, but the moments immediately following the dramatic conclusion. When Brandi Chastain stripped off her jersey and ran in her sports bra, that was the image that most people remember.
Regional Metropolis: Constantinople and Tenochtitlan Essay
Constantinople and Tenochtitlan were two great cities in their time. They both had many dominant physical features. They also had many cultural influences and their major function for each city was different. The two cities had important landmarks and their locations still exist. The cities both had religious affiliations and other important aspects. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan help to show you what cities were like between 1160-1520. Any two cities could have been chosen to show what it was like back then. These two show the global nature of this occurrence by contrasting the two. One is located in the Mediterranean and the other is in Mesoamerica so they are basically worlds apart. They also experience two different kinds of life. These two were also chosen to be compared because many of the Europeans went to these places and made their own accountable comparisons on what they had thought. Each city had its own dominant physical characteristics. Constantinople had St. Sophia and the hippodrome. It also had well-to-do houses and markets. Constantinople was in the center for trading on the Silk Road. It also had a great defense system because the city was surrounded by water. The city had the Old Horn Port on one of its edges. Tenochtitlan was built up in the marshes. The city also had special roads to connect it to the mainland. Each city had its way of living with their physical features. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan each had its own set of cultural influences. Constantinople was mostly Roman and Greek. They mainly spoke Greek there. They were also Christian Orthodox. Tenochtitlan was built by the inspiration of two older cities. The immigrants and visitors that came had to stay in their own neighborhoods. They also traded with the north and south. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan were influenced by their cultures. The major function for each city was different from each other. Constantinople was used as a political place. It was also very religious. Constantinople was also a major trade center. Tenochtitlan was mainly a religious center. It had different ritual sacrifices that went on. It also had a lot of religious ceremonies that went on. They both had different functions. The cities had many important landmarks and their locations still exist. Constantinople had St. Sophia as well as the Mese Road or â€Å"Midway†. The Golden Gate was also located there. Other places located here are the Golden Horn and the Hippodrome. Tenochtitlan had the Pyramid of the Sun. They also had the Market. Old Horn Port is still around today. Tenochtitlan stood where present day Mexico City is. Each city had its own set of important places and each are still around in some way. Each city had its own religious affiliations. Constantinople was centered around the Orthodox Church. Tenochtitlan had many things that were religious. They had sacrifices in their city. They also had many Gods and were polytheistic. Tenochtitlan also had many priests and a chief to look up to. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan had their own way of believing in their religions. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan also had some other important characteristics. Constantinople was extremely wealthy. They also had inhabitant Greeks that were not made for war. The language of Tenochtitlan was Nahuatl. They also had a population of two hundred thousand. Their city was built by the Aztecs. The two cities had many important characteristics. Most Europeans had their part in thee decline of both of these cities. Many places say that their religions had an affect on their violence. They both had an obsession for gold and other wealthy material. They each had a big population for their time. Many believed that because of their great and different urban development went well with the fact that they had a modern economic development. Both were built in imitation of older cities and more well-known centers. They both were known more as imperial capitals, but now they are often referred to as cities. Constantinople was older, but its became more famous as a Roman capital later in history. Tenochtitlan was a younger city and quickly grew from a small place into the largest city of the Americas as their expansion of power grew over all of Mesoamerica. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan helped to demonstrate how cities developed and what their lives were like back then when they were developing cities. They both had their own set of physical characteristics. They also had their own share of cultural influences and what their major function for their city was. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan had important landmarks within each of their city limits and the site for their locations are still around in some form. They also had their own religious beliefs and ways of life. They also had some other important aspects to their cities to distinct themselves from other cities. Constantinople and Tenochtitlan were classified as a city, but do you think they could have become more than that? Bibliography Wiesner, Wheeler, Doeringer, Curtis. Discovering The Global Past. Houghton Mifflin Company; New York: 2007. Pages 268-300. Source 4, Illustrated Map of Constantinople, 13th Century Source 5, Interior Saint Sophia Source 10, Spanish Illustrated Map of Tenochtitlan
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Timed writing rewrite: the Prince
Leaders of countries or Princes must make decisions that not many will agree with, but are the best for the populace and he must make them, no matter the cost. Niccolo Machiavelli uses logos, ethos and distinct clear diction to prove the necessity for a ruler to be able to make unpopular decisions, in an excerpt from his book â€Å"the Prince†(1532). Throughout the excerpt Machiavelli uses logos to talk about this issue in a logical manner. His first step in approaching this topic is when he states to the reader that others have tried to discuss how a prince should act. Machiavelli states that he is doing something along the same lines but what he says is that a prince must be able to do what is not seen as the right thing in the eyes of his people. He then goes to talk about the qualities a prince must have in order to make those tough decisions because not everything that a prince does will be loved by the people so he must learn to deal with this. Machiavelli manages to address all of these points in his work while remaining logical and he uses ethos to try and show the reader a need for such rulers, who are capable of the doing the right thing for his people even if they disagree. An example of this attempt by Machiavelli to establish credibility can be found in lines 3 – 5 â€Å"being my intention to write †¦ useful to him who apprehends it †¦ to follow up the real truth of the matter than the imagination of it †¦ â€Å"this provokes a response from the reader that does have the effect it should have, it makes Machiavelli seem more credible in his argument and that this is not just some fairytale. That Statement made by Machiavelli shows how clear and precise his diction is and this helps him as he tries to prove that a prince must be able to unpopular things that will benefit his nation. The clear and focused diction that is used adds to this a whole new meaning of understanding where now those who are reading this book can picture what the government needs to do for the betterment of society as a whole. Machiavelli persuades his readers using logos and ethos and clear precise diction in his work the prince because he knows just how important it is for our president of a free state is necessary to helping the people.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Rebuttal of an Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rebuttal of an Evaluation - Essay Example Leonard Pitts appeal to the logos of the audience through his ability to induce a logical response in the audience as he provided some reasonable analysis on how the 9/11 terrorist attack ultimately took the innocence of Americans away from them. Leonard Pitts’ ability to draw some historical comparison with the September 11 terrorist attack is another way that he appeals to the logos of the reader. Another way that the author persuaded the audience was in his appeal to their pathos. Pitts integrates some emotions in his article as he makes use of stunning and distinctive language that would appeal to the emotions of any audience any day any time. The author’s appeal to the emotions of the reader could be seen in the first paragraph, when he says that, â€Å"But there had not, since Watergate, been a true crisis, no event of the kind that shakes a nation, that stops it cold and takes its breath and makes it anxious about its future.†(Pitts par.1). This strong st atement brings the audience to the realization that the 2011 terrorist attack is one of the most devastating events in the history of the US in recent times. Thus, Leonard Pitts successfully appeals to the pathos of the reader as their emotions have been acted upon by Leonard Pitts as he evokes the fear of insecurity in them as he makes them know that their innocence has been taken away from them. Though, most of the things the author wrote about are known facts, but the fact that the author did not relate them to some credible sources shows his failure to the appeal to the ethos of the reader. Thus, for readers that do not know the ‘facts’ that the author presented, they might actually doubt the authenticity of his report. Thus, Leonard Pitts did not really appeal to the ethos of the reader. Rhetorical analysis on Timelines" by Lewis Lapham Timelines by Lewis Lapham is also an article that the author uses some strategies to persuade the audience by appealing to their l ogos, pathos and ethos. Lewis Lapham brilliantly appeals to the readership as he tries to persuade the audience on the need to learn more about the history of America. Lapham’s appeal to logos is clearly seen when he was trying to see the dearth of knowledge in the history of America as 22,000 students were questioned about the history of America. Lapham also gave succinct reasons to the students’ lack of knowledge in the history of America as he claims that the students of America had performed poorly in recent years. It is therefore not unusual for students that have performed poorly in other subjects to also perform poorly in the history of America. Lapham’s appeal to the emotions (pathos) of the reader could also be seen when he says that, â€Å"If we no longer hold the study of history in such passionate regard, it's because we like to think of our political institutions as monuments or museum pieces, completed works in a past tense, and if American school children believe that Squanto is a rock group, it's because they live in a society that thinks of history as ornament and stage design-a subject fit for interior decorators and best rendered as a theme park.†(Lapham par.4). Lapham also appeals to the pathos of the audience by claiming that the dwindling economic fortune of the country is due to the failure of Americans to learn their history as he
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Internal and External Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Internal and External Stakeholders - Essay Example People will still play the game, but the virus will affect the overall quality of the video game. Recently, the company has faced a dilemma that will change the video gaming landscape for some time. The Best Game Productions Company is not sure whether to release the video game or delay it. The company decided to hire a consultant who would give them the best solution to the problems and who would communicate to both the internal and external stakeholders of the company. The consultant group advised the Best Game Production to delay the release of the game. The best communication channel that was appropriate to communicate to the internal and external stakeholders was by sending a memo to the company employees informing them of delayed release of the video game. It would also be appropriate to send an interoffice memo to all the employees informing them when the release will be done (Jackson & Welch, 2007). The business situation that Best Game Productions is facing is Professional, knowledgeable and honest company. The company offers an environment that focuses on respect and fairness to their customers at all times. Best Game Productions wants their clients to be satisfied with their products and services. The company is also faced with competitors who will be releasing their games on the Christmas holiday. Best Games is faces challenges whereby their game has a bug that will delay the releasing date. If the game is released with the bug, it will disappoint the customers. The majority of business and companies have both internal, and stakeholders who are interested in the on the success, and potential failures of that are likely to occur. Stakeholders are persons who are affected by the practices and policies carried out by a company (Hansen & Spitzeck, 2010). Best Game Production has various stakeholders both internal and external. The internal stakeholders of the company include CEO of the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Sustainable Development (plan paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sustainable Development (plan paper) - Essay Example During this period, as many as 12 distinct goals and 88 focus areas will be covered to develop sustainable initiatives. The NSDS has received strategic and monetary assistance from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which has sought to help in the development of communities ravaged by the Tsunami in 2004 (ADB, 2005). Kenya has also embarked upon a comprehensive sustainable development (SD) plan aimed at protecting the country’s environment and natural resources. The SD plan was developed with the aim of providing relevant education to the masses in a bid to encourage local action. The SD has also gained prominence as Kenya had previously not given importance to tackling the threats affecting the environment and there have been delays on the part of the administration in understanding the link between environment and SD (Adzobu, 2008). The Kenyan SD plan gives primary importance to the protection of the biophysical dimension of the forests while there has been lesse r focus towards improving social and economic factors. The SD plan was developed further into the National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) in 2005, which considered the role of poverty, still a major challenge faced by the country, and the resulting socio-economic pressures on the government’s efforts to protect the nation’s natural resources. The NEAP has noted the importance of capacity building over the coming few years to tackle the various issues posed by technological, economic, social and political deficiencies. The role of education in this scenario has also shifted from a concern towards the physical environment towards popularizing the intricate interplay between human activities and the environment (Wood, 2007). SD is thus being introduced as part of the regular school curriculum and is taught to students belonging to the fifth grade and beyond. The first phase of the NEAP will be implemented up to the year 2010 and will be followed by a thorough performance review prior to the introduction of the subsequent phases (Wood, 2007). The primary similarity between the SD plans of Maldives and Kenya is their extensive focus on protecting the local environment, although several differences and variations exist. The strategy adopted by Maldives is aimed at stimulating local activities such that businesses can develop ecologically sustainable methods, people can reduce their dependence on non-renewable fuels and scarce land can be protected from submersion (Annandale, 2007). The NSDS has also introduced ways to protect the fragile coral reefs around the archipelago as a solution to protect the islands from rising sea levels. On the other hand, the SD plan developed by Kenya is aimed at protecting the country’s natural resources and biodiversity. The plan was developed and promoted by the Kenya Organization for Environmental Education (KOEE) and is thus considered as an internal project (Adzobu, 2008). In contrast, the NSDS of the Maldives has received considerable support from the UNEP through various mediums (ADB, 2005). Additionally, the SD plan is focused towards imparting relevant education within Kenyan schools and is thus a long-term initiative. The impact of the NEAP will thus require some time
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between Research Paper
Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations - Research Paper Example Various companies claim to have the best corporate environment in their respective cultures but there are several discrepancies and deviations in them. Abolishment of organizational ethics can be observed in companies and yet they claim to be the best in market. The purpose of this paper is to examine such circumstances in a profit organization- Apple Inc. and a nonprofit organization- International Red Crescent. What sort of organizational ethics play into action in these firms and how are they following the code of ethics is the essence of the paper. What kind of culture is prevailing in the decision making process- authoritative or democratic etc. Examining the current status of employees, management practices and their relationship with the ethical management theories will be illustrated. What processes the companies have applied to remain competitive in the industry and are the mission & vision matching with their respective actions etc or not. In depth analysis of both these co mpanies will be done to acquire concrete knowledge. Part 1: International Red Cross: Company Profile The International Red Cross movement is a world renowned nonprofit humanitarian movement for the welfare of human race. It has the legacy to help out human beings irrespective of any race, color or religion. The motto of this movement is to protect human lives, cure them from diseases and prevent their sufferings. This movement has been working globally having stations in almost every country of the world. The Red Cross movement has its subsidiaries working in countries by the name of National Red Cross; however the mother organization remains as International Red Cross. Red Cross joined hands with the Red Crescent movement so that humanitarian services would be expanded and an overall impact all over the globe could be made. The efforts of the merger of both these organizations gave a powerful message that humanity first. The establishment of International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement was essential as they got immense aid and their humanitarian services also spread out. This movement is highly acknowledged by the governments of the world and in the time of war, floods, earthquakes or any unpleasant circumstances; International Red Cross & Red Crescent are the front row saviors of human lives. They have well qualified doctors, physicians, rescue team and technology. Due to their enormous fame and great services, government and people whole heartedly aid this organization. The efforts laid by Red Cross are verily outstanding and commendable. Ethical Dilemma at Red Cross Every organization faces tough and hard circumstances through which it has to pass victorious. Red Cross has faced several ethical dilemmas and it occurred due to numerous reasons. The biggest issue which Red Cross has been facing is the logistics problem. Logistics and Supply chain management is a big setback in the serving efforts of the organization. The proper management and allocation process still needs to be examined. There is no doubt about the services provided by Red Cross but most of them it is observed that there process is slowed down due to delay in supplies. The supply chain management department of Red Crescent has not been so active in the years and their service has not been up to the mark (Van Wassenhove, 2005). Delays in facilitating the affected masses have been due to shortage of supplies in which the negligence of supply chain department and
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