Sunday, September 15, 2019
Guava Leaves Extract as Main Ingredient
In the next of our series on Far Eastern plant we look at Guava or Psidium guajava. In folk medicine, extracts of roots, bark, and leaves are used to treat gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, toothache, coughs, sore throat, inflamed gums, and a number of other conditions (Morton 1987). This plant seemed worthy of an in depth review. â€Å"Guava leaves extract as main ingredient in making Herbal Soap for washing wounds†Introduction: WALA HAHA 😀 Background of the Study: Nowadays, people have using different herbal soap that are expensive and less effective.The researcher aims to make an effective and cheaper herbal soap. Like guava leaves , it contains both major antioxidant pigments, carotene and poly phenols giving them high dietary antioxidant value among plant foods. Guava leaves has a benefits in making herbal soap because it has that properties that can make the skin look good and protects the skin. Statement of the problem: The resear cher aims to answer the following questions: 1. ) Is the guava leaves extract effective in making herbal soap? 2. ) Does guava leaves extract effective for washing wounds? Hypothesis: 1. The guava leaves is effective in making herbal soap. 2. ) Guava leaves extract is effective for washing wounds. Significance of the study: The significance of the study is to have a beneficial usage of guava leaves. Specifically on the fresh green leaves. This study also aims to produce an affordable herbal soap by making use of the natural properties of guava leaves extract. This product is more on natural properties that can cure skin infections like skin allergies, rashes and skin itchiness and does not mix with chemicals that may damaged our skin. Scope and Limitations:This study needs furthermore improvement , research and also this study is only limited on the use of caustic soda because we all know that to much of caustic soda may cause skin itchiness. Definition of terms: Guava- is a genus o f about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small trees. Antioxidant- is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Pigments- is a material that changes teh color of light it reflects as a result of selective color absorptions. Carotenoids- a pigment essential for good vision angd precursor to Vit. A. Pol phenols- were one briefly known as vit.P which are a group of a chemical substances found in plants. Review of related Literature: Guava, is a genus of about 100 species of tropical shrubs and small treesin the myrtle family Myrtaceae. It is native in Mexico , as well Central America, Northern America and parts of the Carribeanbut not cultivated throughout the tropics. In Tagalog , name bayabas are probably local renditions of guayaba. Numerous references inmedical research identify guava as Psidium Guajava. Psidium guajava are cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries for their edible fruit.Psidium Guajafa are often considered superfru its , being rich in vit. A and C and other properties. Its leaves contained antioxidant pigments,carotenoids and Polyphenols that are good components in turning our skin healthy. Since the 1950's , guva , prticularly its leaves , has been a subject for diverse research in chemical identity of its constituents, pharmacological properties and history in folk medicine . For example , from preliminary medicinal research in laboratory models , extract from guava leaves are implicated in therapeutic mechanisms against cancer , bacterial infections , inflammation and pain and skin disorder.Essential oils from gauva leaves have shown strong anti-cancer in vitro. In folk medicine , guava leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhea, and for their supposed antimicrobial properties. Its easy to get the components of guava leaves when it is apply in a form of a soap. Methodology: A. Guava Decoction We have to gather 50g of fresh green guava leaves, 250 mL of water and boil it for about 10 mins. * M aterials one-half cup of oil, 3tbsp. caustic soda, 500mL of water and guava leaves extract B. Preparation of Soap From the materials gatherd , set aside guava leaves extract.Mix 500mL water and vegetable oil and stir for 30mins. Combine the guava leaves extract to the solution of water and oil, stir for 30mins. add 3 tbsp. caustic soda stir for another 30 mins. Put in a molder and place in a safe area that can't be expose by the sun. C. Soap Cutting: Cut the soap acc. to the size of the molder. D. Testing the soap: After 15 days the soap will be use either preventive or cure. The respondents to this is the people who have skin wounds. It will be apply in the skin when they take a bath. E. Observation: The researcher had observed that the wounds heal faster. * The soap speeds up the regeneration of the wounds. Chapter IV Results and Discussion â€Å"EFFECTIVENESS OF SOAP IN DAYS†Respondents| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| Linger Abellana| Good| effective| effective| effective| effective| Mario Cabanag| Effective| effective| effective| effective| effective| Neljun Odiaz| good| good| good| good| fair| Clarence Tumanda| good| good| Effective| effective| effective| Ivy Carl geonzon| good| good| good| effective| effective| Jhon Sabellina| fair| fair| good| good| effective|Mary Ramirez| good| good| effective| effective| effective| Noel Cabrera| good| good| good| good| effective| Generalization: The researcher concludes that the guava leaves extract as main ingredient in making herbal soap for washing wounds is effective according to the respondents of the soap. Based on the number of days that they used the product, which is a proof that this herbal soap is effective. Herbal Cough Syrup: How To Make 1. Make a strong, concentrated infusion or decoction of your desired herbs. Use 2 to 3 times the amount of plant matter to water you would normally use for tea. . Strain out the herbs, and pour the liquid back into the pot 3. For each cup of liquid add twice the amount of hon ey. 4. Heat until the mixture is completely combined. Heat over a low flame, or use a double boiler as you do not want to boil the honey as it kills the healthful enzymes 5. Pour into sterilized canning jars and store away from heat and light. Store opened jars in the refrigerator. 6. You can extend the shelf life (between 6 months to a year), by adding a small amount of flavored brandy. How to Make Cough SyrupInstructions * 1 Bring two cups of water to a boil on the stove or in the microwave. You can use a pan as small as 2 quarts to make the cough syrup. * 2 Chop up some elecampane root into small pieces. Elecampane root is a natural cough suppressant and the whole root can be purchased at a health foods store. If you cannot find it, you can substitute ginger root. Add the root pieces to the boiling water. * 3 Boil the root for several minutes until it starts to become soft. Then, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add it to the mixture.You can add juice from an entire lemon if you can stand the taste. * 4 Add a couple spoonfuls of honey to the cough syrup. The honey not only will soothe the throat, it covers up any unpleasant taste in the cough syrup. You can use anything else you desire to improve the taste such as sugar or peppermint. * 5 Pour in a couple spoonfuls of your favorite whiskey if you desire. The whiskey helps you relax and sleep and is good for a nighttime remedy. * 6 Make the cough syrup fresh every 4 to 6 hours and drink while your symptoms persist.
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