Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Marketing Research Essay Example for Free
Advertising Research Essay 1. Clarify the contrast between testing for huge contrasts and testing for affiliation. On the off chance that a relationship present between two factors, it is essential to know thw heading, the bearing of a relationship can be either positive or professional writing services negative. A comprehension of the quality of affiliation additionally is significant. Scientists for the most part order the stenght os relationship as no relationship, frail relationship, moderate relationship, or solid relationship. In the event that a steady and deliberate relationship is absent, at that point there is no relationship. 2. Clarify the contrast among affiliation and causation. It depends in the event that we have a direct relationship, which implies the quality and nature of the connection between them continues as before over the scope of the two factors, and can be best depicted utilizing a straight line; or a curvilinear relationship, which implies the quality or potentially bearing of the relationship changes over the scope of the two factors. 3. What is covariation? How can it vary from relationship? Covariation is the measure of progress in one variable that is reliably identified with the adjustment in another variable of intrigue. 4. What are the contrasts among univariate and bivariate factual strategies? Univariate centers around one variable, and bivariate spotlights on 2 5. What is relapse examination? When might you use it? Factual strategy that examines the direct connection between two factors by assessing coefficients for a condition for a straight line. One variable is assigned as needy variable and the other is called an autonomous or indicator variable. 6. What is the principle issue brought about by high multicollinearity among the free factors in a numerous relapse condition? A circumstance where a few autonomous factors are profoundly connected with one another. This trademark can bring about trouble in assessing isolated or autonomous relapse coefficients for the associated factors.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International Marketing models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global Marketing models - Essay Example The three models can anyway not be applied freely. There is a cover in their application with the business associations at present inclining towards the polycentric model. Worldwide Business Part One Legal Issues Relating To Global Commerce International business includes exchanging inside and without national limits. The way that business spreads across various purviews offers ascend to lawful issues particularly on the grounds that multiple occasions the laws across nations are not the equivalent. There is consequently, the need to fit the laws. A portion of the legitimate contemplations in universal exchange incorporate the accompanying: Tariffs (Customs) and Quotas A tax is a duty forced on imports and fares inside a locale. The measures of taxes charged by the administration in-control decide if the financial specialists would have the option to put resources into a specific purview or not. Numerous wards utilize the levy rates as the trap to either draw in or pursue away specul ators. Charging high rates would viably debilitate venture (Schaffer, Agusti, and Earle, 2010). Amounts allude to the limitation of amounts to be imported or sent out in a specific purview. Governments force greatest restrictions of imports to shield their local industry for the most part from swelling brought about by troublesome parity of exchange. The administrations may force fares to alert the nation from shortage of items which would shoot request high and thus event expansion inside the economies. The utilization of taxes and amounts influence organizations as they need to work inside the plan of a specific purview (Schaffer, Agusti, and Earle, 2010). Antidumping and Transfer Pricing Laws Antidumping alludes to rules against dumping. Dumping basically alludes to a circumstance where multinationals import products of lesser quality and incentive into remote purviews. Governments have come out emphatically against dumping as it overcomes the goals of exchange and disintegrates the guidelines by sustaining average quality (Schaffer, Agusti, and Earle, 2010). Move evaluating is an idea of tax assessment that worries multinationals. Inferable from the distinctive tax collection rates by various purviews, multinationals misuse move valuing in order to burden their items inside the lower tax collection rates locales. Governments have thought of laws to forestall instances of expense shirking and avoidance under the appearance of move valuing. Protected innovation Rights International business perceives licensed innovation rights in spite of the fact that the rights are conceded inside individual wards. These incorporate copyrights, licenses and competitive advantages. Governments have been kind enough to give laws to empower trend-setters appreciate the products of their work through the licensed innovation rights (Schaffer, Agusti, and Earle, 2010). Sources and Forms of Political Risks Political dangers allude with the impacts the legislative issues of the da y in a specific locale has on the organizations inside that ward. Political dangers could be brought about by the administration, the individuals or the exercises of contenders and non-legislative associations. Governments for the most part dispossess or nationalize organizations as a result assuming control over the offer responsibility for organizations. The individuals might be at war making un-helpful situations unfavorable for business. Activists in the pretense of security of the earth or cultural interests may render the business working condition
Obesity and Government Control
Weight and Government Control In today’s society there are numerous Americans who are either overweight or large and have diabetes. David Zinczenko in â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater†contends that inexpensive food organizations ate to be accused for the heftiness that is currently exceptionally regular in the US. Radley Balko contends in â€Å"What You Eat is Your Business†that the legislature is answerable for the weight plague that the US is found in today. The administration ought to have some in not all control or guidelines on what the individuals of the nation choose to eat.With no control the US is set out toward a country of overweight, stout, diabetic, and unfortunate individuals. Before the mid 1990’s, diabetes found in youngsters were normally a direct result of hereditary issue and around five percent of the kids were fixate or had Type Two diabetes. As per the National Institute of Health, around 30% of the youngsters populace has Type Tw o diabetes. Due to the expansion in the measure of individuals who are being determined to have diabetes, the measure of cash spent on medicinal services costs is an astounding one hundred billion a year.Since 1969 that has been a sensational increment of around ninety-seven billion. (Zinczenko) Zinczenko contends that many drive-through joints don’t give data on the carbohydrate level their food contains. In contrast to staple things, there aren’t many cheap food organizations that furnish their customers with the calorie data on their food names. By not giving out this significant data, buyers aren’t mindful of the undesirable consumptions.Although this is a valid statement, we as people are sufficiently brilliant to realize that on the off chance that we stroll into a drive-through eatery, the food we purchase isn’t going to be the most beneficial and that on the off chance that we eat this sort of food two times every day consistently or even every ot her day, we will in the long run put on a lot of weight and make our body defenseless against wellbeing dangers, for example, diabetes. The administration should make it a law for eateries such a McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s put precisely what number of calories every thing on their menu has.The cheap food industry doesn’t just objective grown-up yet additionally youngsters by selling kids suppers that accompany a toy from that mainstream film each kid needs or has viewed or that well known toy organization. This is the manner by which they pull in kids yet as an end-result of the cash, they give kids that heavenly yet unfortunate burger with a toy that typically winds up lost or in the trash following a couple of days or even hours. Rather than giving a side of fries and pop, what they ought to do is give kids an every day natural product presenting with he decision of either orange or squeezed apple. There ought to be a guideline on the measure of calo ries kids can devour at these eateries. These youngsters are the fate of the nation and on the off chance that they grow up having appalling dietary patterns, how this nation going to go anyplace with individuals who aren’t ready to make a specific showing due to their medical issues? The legislature should put tight limitations on how the cheap food industry holds itself with regards to selling food that isn’t healthy.According to Zinczenko, â€Å"prepared nourishments aren’t secured under Food and Drug Administration naming laws. †(Zinczenko 393) This is one significant thing that the legislature should change. Individuals should be educated with the measure of calorie admission that flavorful Whopper has. In the event that the individual perceives what number of calories they are eating they may re-think about eating cheap food four times each week. Changing this guideline can have any kind of effect on someone’s life.Balko states that, â€Å" state lawmaking bodies and educational committees the nation over have started prohibiting tidbits and soft drink from school grounds and distributing machines,†(Balko 396) and this isn't the best approach to battle stoutness. By the administration forbidding the unfortunate nourishments we eat, they are assuming liability on our human services and wellbeing, rather than us stressing and dealing with ourselves. Despite the fact that Balko makes a valid statement, at the present time the legislature had no control on our food utilization decisions and we are as yet making awful wellbeing choices.If the administration takes control on the food we can and can’t eat, we before long will familiarize ourselves to pick a new apple over some pan fried onion rings. Entirely soon the US will wind up in a general public where the measure of individuals who are diabetic and stout isn’t soaring. Like everything, there is continually going to be those individuals who don†™t concur with the administration mentioning to us what to eat and what not to eat. As far as I can tell at this moment, in this particular time throughout everyday life, I would concur with the administration helping us out.A little push won’t hurt and over the long haul it can have a tremendous effect on our own wellbeing and for the strength of those we care most, them being our youngsters, guardians, family, and companions. Works Cited Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. â€Å"Don't Blame the Eater. †They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. New York: W. W. Norton and, 2010. 391-94. Print. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business. †They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. New York: W. W. Norton and, 2010. 395-99. Print
Friday, August 21, 2020
An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Example for Free
An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Presentation Sonnets by John Keats are a wellspring of motivation. He plays with his perusers and takes them to spots and times with his words. What motivation does Keats bring? He rouse his perusers to go past his words and find another world he makes. He makes his words so bright and alive it is practically melodic to the ear. At the point when one understands Keats, he ponders what’s in his heart when he composed his specific sonnet and makes him need to be in Keats world and faculties. In this specific audit, I attempted to see Keats universe of fall from far off. A world disengaged, to equitably inspect and take a gander at fall as Keats paints it with his words. I additionally needed to get a point of view of Keat’s style with words, of how he utilizes them as a vehicle for others to travel to his reality. In this equivalent survey, I attempted to encounter the world that Keats made and feel both the experience of his images and my cognizance of what he represents pre-winter to be. The formal and topical part of the sonnet will be remarked on yet this translation will be real as I trust Keats needed his sonnet read. 1 2 Throughout the three verses of the sonnet, Keats has kept up the ten syllable proportion of each line, in spite of the fact that, the foot proportion of syllable focused on is a little loosened. As in the lines, â€Å"Who hath not seen thee oft in the midst of thy store? Some of the time whoever looks for abroad may find†and some more. Perusing out loud the section, Drowsd with the smoke of poppies, while thy snare saves the following area and all its twined blossoms: I couldn't exactly put the pressure of the syllables to make a cadenced sound. I call it artistic permit, Keats grant his peruser to settle on a choice and pick the best approach to vocalize his sonnet. The principal verse is lively and lets us know of abundance. It is an immediate logical inconsistency of pre-winter or fall as the season is when trees start to exposed its leaves and organic products are rare. Be that as it may, in this sonnet, Keats portrays harvest time as the peak of summer, †Season of fogs and smooth productivity, Close chest companion of the developing sun;†fog and smooth here are utilized as an inviting situation to a world loaded up with life and produce. The final expression of the principal line productivity rhyming with favor on the third line and supporting the cadenced scale all through the verse gives a melodic air as one peruses the sonnet so anyone might hear. The verse lets us know additionally of a guarantee of congruity. â€Å"To swell the gourd, and stout the hazel shells with a sweet piece; to set sprouting more, and still progressively, later blossoms for the bees,†consistent with the musicality of his refrains, Keats portrayed harvest time as when seeds are planted for life to proceed. It tells starting at a start of a season, new and prepared for another involvement with a way where the season before it, which is summer, in the merriments of bounty and not as a perishing season fit to be overlooked and abandoned. Fall in Keats†commitment gets Summer’s endowment of bounty, it started as a peak of summer and in this way, guarantee to be a season 3 of new disclosures and not as somber as shedding endlessly the leaves of trees to absent mindedness. In the subsequent refrain, the word blossoms doesn't rhyme with some other words toward the finish of each line. I have to peruse the sonnet out loud and find a musicality for it to make the sonnet alive, it gets into an ideal rhyme with the word â€Å"spares’ if that’s where I put the measure toward the finish of the principal line, accordingly, â€Å" Drowsd with the smoke of poppies, while thy snare Spares/the following area and all its twined flowers.†The equivalent with the last two lines of the subsequent verse, â€Å"Or by a cyder-press, with quiet look, Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours,†by basically rehashing the word, the apparently overlooked rhyme is caught. This is my own inclination of setting the cadenced example of vocalizing the sonnet, despite the fact that, the rhyme example of the three refrains comes out to be ababacacaaa, ababcdecdde, and ababcdecdde, in this specific request. It tends to be seen that the principal refrain follows an autonomous rhyme design from the other two verses. Keats may have done it deliberately to pressure the difference in tone of the second refrain that is introduced as an inquiry. For what reason could Keats have done this? As I get retained in the fall situation of the primary refrain, feeling the cool air and seeing loaded apple trees twist, the mossed house, the vines and then some, feeling the peak of summer shared into the beginning of pre-winter, and as I get lost to the world that Keats painted with his words, someone shoots an inquiry like, †Who hath not seen thee oft in the midst of thy store?†and I was reminded that I am not the only one. It was not by any means an inquiry as in Keats underscored the magnificence of the period being one that can't be overlooked. On the off chance that he compared harvest time as a phase of life’s excursion and we pick the ways that we travel on, in the streets we took as we travel in this world, we met individuals to stay with us, 4 once in a while partially, the best thing perhaps is to discover excellence in life that stays with every one of us through the excursion. Perusing the subsequent refrain carries another inquiry to my psyche. What do I truly look for in this life? For what reason does Keats caused me to ask this when he composed, â€Å"Sometimes whoever looks for abroad may discover Thee sitting reckless on a silo floor,†What Keats said in this line is that there are individuals who looked for things in this life away from where they truly are and truth be told, what they are looking for is simply close enough. Clearly he implied satisfaction, he implied magnificence of living, the excellence of living in the present time and place. Keats needed to tell his perusers that we need not sit tight for what we can accomplish later on to encounter the delight of being alive. We need just to know about the favors we could discover in the present to feel that euphoria that we look for in our excursion. The third refrain is an approval of the second verse both in structure and translation. I saw that both have a similar rhyme design and the two beginnings with an inquiry. It lets us know of men paying special mind to delight excessively far out as in spring in harvest time neglecting to see that happiness is simply close enough. â€Å":Where are the melodies of spring? Ay, where are they?†, Keats needed us to realize that in this life’s venture, joy isn't about the things we harvest later on yet of discovering satisfaction in each attempt that we manage without hanging tight for whatever organic products or prizes we earned because of our works. He discloses to us that like spring or summer or winter, harvest time conveys inside itself its own music like the wailful ensemble of little gnats, the boisterous bleats of full-developed sheep, the tunes of crickets, the whistles from garden croft, the twitter of the swallows. Keats needed his perusers to find them. The decision of the word â€Å"wailful†, the peruser can nearly hear the fluid fall of tears of the gnats†melancholy music. Dismal, yet in Keats universe of words 5 they spoke to life’s feelings that in the end offers significance to everyone’s presence. He pictures autumn’s delicate kicking the bucket day with blushing tint and not with the grim dim or the perishing darkness of the inviting dim, yet of shades of the rose, loaded with life, brimming with guarantee, maybe of one more day ahead, a goodnights rest, an excellent dream, a stroll in the moon? Or then again whatever easy street acquires the third piece of man’ life. The sonnet isn't really exacting with the scholastic type of the sonnet despite the fact that however much as could be expected Keats needed to hold fast to the academic it directs. In this structure, the sonnet makes a character of free soul and that would not be subdued. The three refrains o f the sonnet communicates an order. It follows a structure regarding rhyme, measure, beat, shading, and all the constituents of this type of writing. However, it hesitates to lay away the regular to communicate the spirit of his appearance as Keats preoccupation from the rhyming example to the rhyming example he followed on the second and third refrain. The syllabic proportion of the words extras and blossoms are left to the choice of the peruser, making the peruser a functioning member to the understanding of the sonnet. The three pieces of the sonnet propose the three phases of man’s life at a perspective, being during childbirth and early life, development lastly at the brilliant mature age of man. In any case, Keats just propose, in light of the fact that every one of the three discusses looking for the delight of finding the magnificence that life brings. The sonnet itself, as a structure, is music to the ears. His play of beat, rhyme, and selection of words, with regards to genuinely joining the self during its vocalization resembles tuning in to the music of nature. The sonnet strikingly communicated the shades of harvest time utilizing nature’s characters as in â€Å"rosy hue†. It doesn't gloat with long queues, various refrains, scholastic words to communicate the straightforwardness of appreciating life, in life’s term. 6 End The sonnet â€Å"To Autumn†is an illustration. Keats spoke to the season as man’s objects of his undertakings. In a similar way, the hours of the seasons’ days spoke to man’s three phases throughout everyday life. Why has Keats picked fall to speak to elements of life’s venture? Perhaps on account of the hues it makes as the season ventures towards another. Perhaps in light of the fact that pre-winter conveys with itself the productive reap of summer and connections itself to the readiness winter accomplishes for another life in spring. All these are hypotheses, and these theories made me investigate my life and my mentalities towards life as an excursion. A ton of translations had considered â€Å"To Autumn†as perhaps the best tribute that Keats had composed. â€Å"Written in September of 1819, this piece is viewed as his most accomplished ode.†1. On the off chance that all types of composing, in various degrees of efforts expects to control the reader’s min
The American health care need to be reformed Essay
The American human services should be changed - Essay Example For a long time it was accepted that the American human services framework is the best on the planet. In any case, presently such a large number of inadequacies have been recognized. The 42.6 million individuals in the US at present without medical coverage are intensely mindful that our social insurance framework isn't working for everybody, and there is developing acknowledgment that the serious issues of increasing expense and absence of access establish a genuine emergency.( The U.S. Human services System 1) Most of US human services are out patient based. The individual essential social insurance doctors, master doctors, non-doctors including medical caretakers and drug specialists comprise the human services framework. There are predominantly two sorts of emergency clinics the revenue driven medical clinics and the non-benefit emergency clinics. The previous is worked by privet partnerships and the later by the legislature or by some strict or different associations. The medical clinics offer out patient assistance in crisis room and they additionally have inpatient segment. The installment of medicinal services for the vast majority of the Americans is through the business however the expense of which is expanding now a days. The administration presently finances business paid wellbeing care.This is finished by absolving boss commitments from tax collection as pay. The administration supported Medicare and Medicaid covers the uninsured individuals in the US. The projects like Tricare and Veterans organization give protection inclusion to the old individuals in America. Be that as it may, presently the quantity of doctors tolerating the Medicaid diminishing because of the expansion in the authoritative expense when contrasted with the repayment. The Census Bureau discovered a year ago that just about 44 million Americans had abandoned medical coverage for the earlier year. That number has been expanding by about 2 million per year. Families USA, a customer gathering, says that just about 82 million individuals, one out of three beneath age 65, were uninsured sooner or later during 2002-03, the greater part of them for in any event nine months. (Broder, D.S., A21) III. Framework INEFFICIENCIES AND INEQUITIES Wasteful aspects 1. Postponements in looking for care and expanded utilization of crisis care-Usually American individuals have a propensity for not going to preventive social insurance and ordinary clinical check ups lastly when they arrive at the emergency clinic for treatment the infection may get progressed and increasingly escalated care is required. This causes the expansion in the measure of repayment. The individuals without the protection are twice as liable to visit medical clinic crisis rooms as those with protection; troubling a framework implied for genuine crises with less-critical consideration needs. In patients with privet protection malignant growth is analyzed uniquely in the late stage or in the propelled hopeless state just and they need more expensive systems than the individuals who analyze the ailment in the beginning time. The individuals without privet protection get less opportunity to go to the malignant growth screening tests than the others with the privet protection pla ns. 2. Mutual expense of uninsured-The specialist co-ops
Monday, June 29, 2020
How Do Language Studies Affect Your College Acceptance
Why study a foreign language? This is a question high school students often have about the courses they need to take to get into college. Other students wonder about the number of years they should dedicate to studying a foreign language. The fact is that many college admissions officials give special attention to students who participate in second-language studies. Discover a few specific reasons why college officials like to see foreign-language studies included on a student’s application: Dedication to Learning Why study a foreign language? It takes a dedicated student to become fluent in a second language. College admissions officials are looking for students who are constantly challenging and strengthening their skills. They are especially impressed when a student takes four years of a foreign language in high school. Students who take just two years of second-language studies have achieved the minimum requirement for most colleges. But a high school student who studies a foreign language for four years has shown dedication to getting a more thorough understanding of the language. At Veritas Prep, we offer a free profile evaluation to students, and we look at their foreign language courses, extracurricular activities, and other qualifications to help them craft standout applications. We know how to highlight a student’s best assets, including their persistence in learning a new language. Interest in Other Cultures Colleges like high school students who are studying a foreign language because it shows an interest in other cultures. Part of studying the language of a foreign country involves learning about the customs and traditions of the people who live there. Interest in other cultures can help a student decide what to study in college or even what type of career to pursue. A class of college freshmen is all the more diverse if it’s filled with students who have knowledge of different people and places throughout the world. Persistence in Mastering a Difficult Skill College admissions officials know that it takes persistence to learn a foreign language. A student has to add to their vocabulary while working on pronunciation and constructing meaningful sentences. Also, the student must learn about the history of a country and its people. The persistence a student uses in learning a foreign language is likely to carry over into other classes. Colleges are looking for hard-working students who are eager to excel in all of their subjects. Several years of foreign-language study is an indication of a diligent student. Earning High Scores on Standardized Tests One of the other benefits of studying a foreign language is that this type of coursework can help students perform well on standardized tests. The logical thinking and memorization skills used to learn a foreign language in high school can assist students as they tackle questions on the SAT or the ACT. So why study foreign language? Because it can help students boost their standardized test scores and bring them a step closer to an acceptance letter from a preferred college. Incorporating a Foreign Language in a Future Career There are some high school students with plans to pursue careers that require knowledge of a foreign language. For instance, one high school student may dream of becoming an executive for a corporation that has offices in Japan, so the student would begin serious study of the Japanese language as a freshman in high school. After four years of Japanese study, the student would want to continue to perfect their skills in college. College admissions officials would certainly take note of a high school student with long-term goals to make use of a second language. Our professional consultants at Veritas Prep can give students the tips and guidance they need to put together an impressive college application. Our consultants have worked in the admissions offices of the country’s most notable colleges. Consequently, students benefit from the inside experience of our staff. For students who are wondering what their chances are of getting into a particular college, we have the College Chanculator. After typing in a few items of information, students can see how they compare to others who have already been accepted into a particular school. From online test prep to college application advice, we help high school students toward the school of their dreams!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Props, Stage Directions, and Their Symbolism in Hedda Gabler - Literature Essay Samples
The play Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen centers on a woman named Hedda, the daughter of General Gabler, who is married to George Tesman a person in the middle class. In the play, Ibsen has described the set in a way which makes it very distinct; the rooms are depicted as dark, with the curtains drawn back. Above the sofa, there hangs a big portrait of General Gabler. Ibsen has used these props and stage directions in the play as symbols to help us develop a much deeper understanding of the plot itself as well as of the character of Hedda. What strikes the reader and audience of the play from the very first Act is Hedda’s apparent love of ‘darkness’ both literal as well as figurative. The stage directions begin with descriptions of the rooms: ‘tastefully appointed reception room, decorated in dark colours’ (167) and ‘downstage by the right is a large, dark, porcelain stove’ (167), which introduce the dark look of the play. Almost as soon as Hedda makes her first appearance in the play, she remarks â€Å"Ughthe maid’s been and opened the verandah door. The place is flooded with sunlight†(176). Afterwards, she asks Tesman to close the windows. Everytime she opens a curtain, there is a mention of her closing them again, thus reinforcing the idea of her ‘loving’ darkness. Another thing that becomes evident is her dislike for flowers, or at least the ones brought in by Miss Tesman. In a different translation available on Gutenberg, Hedda says â€Å"Yes, fresh air we certainly must have, with all these stacks of flowers, a remark which obviously seems to be a sarcastic comment. Later, in Act 2, she says to Judge Brack that these flowers have â€Å"an odour of death†(208). These constant references to her not liking light and flowers which closely bring an image of life and happiness with them gives us a sense that Hedda has an inherent dislike of life.[1] This interpretation is also supported by the fact that death remains a constant theme in the play, and also that Hedda is shown to embrace death; which can be seen clearly in the numerous times she talks about death as something beautiful rather than tragic like her not stopping Lovborg’s suicidal thoughts, but rather encouraging him by giving him one of her pistols and asking him as a last favour to make his death ‘beautiful’. The flowers in a way represent happiness or rather, life and Hedda’s dislike of them represents her dislike of life and that she might be choosing to be unhappy by not doing what she really wants. Another prop, which seems to have the most significant impact on the play, is the portrait of General Gabler hanging on the wall. Though the General is not physically present in the play, the portrait signifies his importance to the play, and also seems to serve as a reminder for Hedda to uphold her values, rather than do something to ruin her reputation.[2] There are numerous occasions where Hedda’s relationship with her father were brought up, talking about how they spent a lot of time together when she was a child, and this could be a reason that the General was as big an influence that he was. As an effect of her father’s values being rubbed off on her, it seems as though she is suppressing her desire to ‘be free’ to conform to what is expected of her; to have a husband, a good house and financial status, etc. These repressed desires seem to cause frustration within herself which comes out as her manipulative attitude. This also serves as a basis to exp lain why she married Tesman, even though it is quite evident that she never wanted to. Her suppressing her emotions can be more clearly seen in the fact that she obviously wanted to be with Lovborg, but that would come at the cost of her reputation, which causes jealousy because Lovborg is now with the woman she seems to despise the most Thea. Hedda could not be with Lovborg, and she wanted no one else to be as well, so she did what she did best try to get control over him and destroy the relationship, and eventually, him. Thus, the portrait of the General signifies Hedda’s urge to conform to her values, and begins to explain her manipulative attitude. Another interesting thing is the interpretation of the stage directions in the plays. Quite a few directors of the play have depicted the portrait to be extremely large, and rather striking to the eye of the spectator, and while this has several implications of it’s own, it starts to feel romanticized. Ibsen’s depiction of the portrait as a normal sized one something that could actually be found in a real house makes the idea that the General does have an impact over the play much more believable and well as realistic. Ibsen once wrote in a letter, â€Å"The title of the play is Hedda Gabler. My intention in giving it this name was to indicate that Hedda as a personality is to be regarded rather as her fathers daughter than her husbands wife†[3] This clearly shows the importance of the portrait as depicted by Ibsen himself, since a portrait was the only way to exert that General Gabler was indeed a very important part of the play, symbolically looking over all the happenings in the house. Another important motif in the play is the set of pistols given to Hedda by her father. Not only do they signify how she is the daughter of the General, but they also exemplify Hedda’s divergence from traditional feminine values and interests.[4] The pistols were a symbol of power, and their mere possession made Hedda feel like she was powerful, which ties in coherently with Hedda’s manipulative attitude. Another interesting interpretation which I found on the same source, was that in the same way that Hedda considers the very dangerous guns as toys, her manipulative nature which leads to Lovborg’s death as well her own is just another source of amusement for her, and just another was for her to seek the power she so badly wants. As the acts progress, the symbolic representation of power through the pistols begins to become more evident. From the first act, Hedda has the pistols with her, and at the same time is trying to gain control over everyone else. By the end of Act 3, she has successfully managed to gain control over everyone and even exerting it in the form of trying to break apart the relationship between Thea and Lovborg. But as soon as she gives away her pistol to Lovborg, she symbolically gives away her power with it, because the discovery of Hedda’s pistol with Lovborg is what enables Judge Brack to blackmail her. Hedda uses the rest of her power the other pistol to finish herself, because she does not want anyone else to have control over her. It is the General and his values, along with the pistols of course, that she tries to uphold so badly that leads to her own demise. Overall, Ibsen has used the props as well as the stage directions in the play in a brilliant way, depicting the props as having both physical and symbolic importance. The stage directions have been described and interpreted by most play directors successfully, thus enabling the spectator as well as the reader of the play to gain a much deeper understanding of the play if they look closely. I believe that every single element in the play was equally as important; the darkness represented Hedda’s character, the pistols her greed of power and control, and the portrait of the General representing her repressed desires, each explaining in their own way why Hedda was the way she was described to be. [1] Shmoop Editorial Team. The Babies = Death Motif in Hedda Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 25 June 2015. [2] Cummings, Michael J. Hedda Gabler: A Study Guide. Cummings Study Guide. [3] Sanders, Tracy (2006). Lecture Notes: Hedda Gabler  Fiend or Heroine. Australian Catholic University. [4] Shmoop Editorial Team. Those Guns in Hedda Gabler. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 25 June 2015.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Issue Of Voting Right Act Of 1965, By Thomas R. Dye...
1. Thomas R. Dye and Susan A. Macmanus states, â€Å" courts are political institutions because they attempt to resolve conflicts in society. Courts make public policy in the process of resolving conflicts. Some of the nations most pivotal policy decisions that we follow today have been made by courts rather than legislative or executive bodies at both the federal and state levels. 2. There has been many issues where policy decisions have been determined by courts. For example, federal courts have taken the lead in eliminating racial segregation and guaranteeing individual voters an equal voice in government. Little Rock Nine exemplifies the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas tied to the 14th Amendment that segregated schools are unconstitutional. Voting Right Act of 1965 is a prime example of the policy decision that guarantees individual voters in equal voice in government. 3. A felony is a crime punishable by at least a year’s imprisonment. A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by a fine or less than a year’s imprisonment. 4. Loser pay law is a requirement that the losing party in a civil suit pay the legal fees of the winner. The loser pay law system that is currently in place discourages frivolous law suits that are often designed for people to con innocent parties to pay the damages rather than incur even higher cost of defending themselves. 5. The U.S. has evolved into the most litigious society because of the rise in number
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Central Michigan University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
Central Michigan University is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 69%. Located in Mount Pleasant, Central Michigan is part of the Michigan Association of State Universities. Central Michigan offers over 200 undergraduate programs through eight colleges. In athletics, the Central Michigan Chippewas compete in the NCAA Division I Mid-American Conference (MAC). Considering applying to Central Michigan University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Central Michigan University had an acceptance rate of 69%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 69 students were admitted, making Central Michigans admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 17,858 Percent Admitted 69% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 22% SAT Scores and Requirements Central Michigan University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 86% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 510 610 Math 490 590 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Central Michigans admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Central Michigan scored between 510 and 610, while 25% scored below 510 and 25% scored above 610. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 490 and 590, while 25% scored below 490 and 25% scored above 590. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1200 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Central Michigan. Requirements Central Michigan University recommends, but does not require, the SAT writing section. Note that Central Michigan does not superscore SAT results, your highest composite SAT score from a single test date will be considered. SAT Subject tests are not required by Central Michigan University. ACT Scores and Requirements Central Michigan University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 24% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 19 26 Math 18 26 Composite 20 27 This admissions data tells us that most of Central Michigans admitted students fall within the top 48% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Central Michigan received a composite ACT score between 20 and 27, while 25% scored above 27 and 25% scored below 20. Requirements Central Michigan recommends, but does not require, the ACT writing section. Note that Central Michigan does not superscore ACT results, your highest composite ACT score from a single test date will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of Central Michigan Universitys incoming freshmen class was 3.41, and over 46% of incoming students had average GPAs of 3.5 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Central Michigan University have primarily high B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Central Michigan University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Central Michigan University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Central Michigan University, which accepts over two-thirds of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average range, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, Central Michigan also uses a holistic admission approach that considers academic achievement in rigorous coursework, strength of high school program, trends in grades, letters of recommendation, exceptional talents, leadership potential, and record of good citizenship. Potential applicants should have four years of English, math, biological and physical science, and history and social science. CMU also strongly encourages applicants to complete two years of a foreign language, two years of electives in fine arts, and one year of hands-on computer experience. An admissions essay is not required, but applicants may submit an essay or other supplemental materials including extracurricular and leadership activities, employment, or explanations of special situations if they feel it will benefit their application. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and test scores are outside Central Michigans average range. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent students who were accepted to Central Michigan University. You can see that the majority of successful applicants had B- or higher averages, SAT scores of about 900 or higher (ERWM), and ACT composite scores of 17 or above. Many admitted students have grades in the A range. If You Like Central Michigan University, You May Also Like These Schools Michigan State UniversityGrand Valley State UniversityUniversity of Michigan - DearbornUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Central Michigan University Undergraduate Admissions Office. Central Michigan University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA Central Michigan University is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 69%. Located in Mount Pleasant, Central Michigan is part of the Michigan Association of State Universities. Central Michigan offers over 200 undergraduate programs through eight colleges. In athletics, the Central Michigan Chippewas compete in the NCAA Division I Mid-American Conference (MAC). Considering applying to Central Michigan University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Central Michigan University had an acceptance rate of 69%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 69 students were admitted, making Central Michigans admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 17,858 Percent Admitted 69% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 22% SAT Scores and Requirements Central Michigan University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 86% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 510 610 Math 490 590 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Central Michigans admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Central Michigan scored between 510 and 610, while 25% scored below 510 and 25% scored above 610. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 490 and 590, while 25% scored below 490 and 25% scored above 590. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1200 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Central Michigan. Requirements Central Michigan University recommends, but does not require, the SAT writing section. Note that Central Michigan does not superscore SAT results, your highest composite SAT score from a single test date will be considered. SAT Subject tests are not required by Central Michigan University. ACT Scores and Requirements Central Michigan University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 24% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 19 26 Math 18 26 Composite 20 27 This admissions data tells us that most of Central Michigans admitted students fall within the top 48% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Central Michigan received a composite ACT score between 20 and 27, while 25% scored above 27 and 25% scored below 20. Requirements Central Michigan recommends, but does not require, the ACT writing section. Note that Central Michigan does not superscore ACT results, your highest composite ACT score from a single test date will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of Central Michigan Universitys incoming freshmen class was 3.41, and over 46% of incoming students had average GPAs of 3.5 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Central Michigan University have primarily high B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Central Michigan University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Central Michigan University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Central Michigan University, which accepts over two-thirds of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average range, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, Central Michigan also uses a holistic admission approach that considers academic achievement in rigorous coursework, strength of high school program, trends in grades, letters of recommendation, exceptional talents, leadership potential, and record of good citizenship. Potential applicants should have four years of English, math, biological and physical science, and history and social science. CMU also strongly encourages applicants to complete two years of a foreign language, two years of electives in fine arts, and one year of hands-on computer experience. An admissions essay is not required, but applicants may submit an essay or other supplemental materials including extracurricular and leadership activities, employment, or explanations of special situations if they feel it will benefit their application. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and test scores are outside Central Michigans average range. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent students who were accepted to Central Michigan University. You can see that the majority of successful applicants had B- or higher averages, SAT scores of about 900 or higher (ERWM), and ACT composite scores of 17 or above. Many admitted students have grades in the A range. If You Like Central Michigan University, You May Also Like These Schools Michigan State UniversityGrand Valley State UniversityUniversity of Michigan - DearbornUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Central Michigan University Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Strategic Analysis Of Sonic Records Employee Compensation
1. Executive Summary The report that is detailed below is a strategic analysis of Sonic Records employee compensation system and their recently added online on-line music warehouse and distributor E-Sonic. By creating this strategic analysis there becomes a pathway to make informed decisions on employee compensation strategies at all levels of E-Sonic. Having this detailed concise report helps provide paramount information for E-Sonic to grow organically and achieve the ultimate company objective of dominant market leadership in the online music category. Having a better understanding of current state of the business segment allows E-Sonic the advantage of an idea on the challenges that are ahead while launching this new branch of the†¦show more content†¦The same type of talent to embark on marketing campaigns that draw the online consumer is what will ultimately drive E-Sonic successes. E-Sonic is set up for extreme success with a compensation plan that calls out specific individuals for t heir success and what they contribute to the company’s success. E-Sonic is an online music downloadable and streaming company providing consumers with a user friendly interface. E-Sonic’s industry is classified by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and is part of the two different codes listed as 334614 and 512220. The first code 334614 is defined as, â€Å"Providing mass duplication of recorded products; Software and other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing†. This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mass reproducing computer software or other prerecorded audio and video material on magnetic or optical media, such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, tapes, or cartridges. These establishments do not generally develop any software or produce any audio or video content. This industry includes establishments that mass reproduce game cartridges. ( This code is given in reference to E-Sonic’s producing of music on to multiple forms of products that include DVD, tapes, and cartridges. The second code 512220 is referring releasing, Promoting, and Distributing sound recordings, â€Å"Integrated Record Production/Distribution†. This industryShow MoreRelatedE-Sonic4898 Words  | 20 PagesE-Sonic Compensation Paper Todd Lipscomb, Belma Alic, and Teresa Halpin Davenport University Strategic Analysis Outline: 1. Strategic Analysis A. E-Sonic NAICS falls into two different codes 334614 and 512220. The first code 334614 definition is, â€Å"Providing mass duplication of recorded products; Software and other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing†(). This code is given in reference to E-Sonic’s producing of music on to various forms of products. 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Standford Prison Experiment - 851 Words
Standford Prison experiment 1.What are the effects of living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation? * People living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world will change whom the people mentally. It would make the people go crazy. There is no excitement or life in such an environment. People emotions change and are influenced by their environment. 2. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through an experience like this? * I believe that when people go through this experiences they feel less than others.†¦show more content†¦6. Compare the reactions of these visitors to the reactions of civilians in encounters with the police or other authorities. How typical was their behavior? * The parent was upset about the experiment because they saw the condition of their sons it was incredible for them to see their children on that way. Also the children look so fatigue the condition was on good shape for them. 7. In an exploratory study such as this, one problem is defining what the data are -- the information we should collect. Also, what should have been done to minimize the effects of experimenter bias on the outcome of the study? What were the dangers of the principal investigator assuming the role of prison superintendent? 8. In 2003 U.S. soldiers abused Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Ghraib, 20 miles west of Baghdad. The prisoners were stripped, made to wear bags over their heads, and sexually humiliated while the guards laughed and took photographs. How is this abuse similar to or different from what took place in the Stanford Prison Experiment? * This kind of similar to the experiment because the US soldiers have the same job than the guards from the experiment. However, because the prisoners and the soldiers had been more time together I think other factors influenced the exaggerated actions taken by the soldiers. These factors could hate, pride,Show MoreRelatedZimbardo s Standford Prison Experiment1955 Words  | 8 PagesPhillip Zimbardo’s Standford Prison Experiment is one of the most amazing psychological experiments of all time. It showed that the human mind can be manipulated and changed if the amount of power one has is not under control. In this essay I am going to talk about varia bles that affected the experiment, ethics, personal relation and what I learned from it all. An ad was put out for volunteers for an experiment, which would pay fifteen dollars a day. Many applied but in the end after checkingRead MoreZimbardo s Standford Prison Experiment Essay1931 Words  | 8 PagesPhillip Zimbardo’s Standford Prison Experiment is one of the most amazing psychological experiments of all time. It showed that the human mind can be manipulated and changed if the amount of power one has is not under control. In this essay I am going to talk about variables that affected the experiment, ethics, personal relation and what I learned from it all. An ad was put out for volunteers for an experiment, which would pay fifteen dollars a day. Many applied but in the end after checkingRead MoreEssay on Critique of Philip Zimbardos Standfard Prison Experiment1401 Words  | 6 PagesA Critique of Philip Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment â€Å"The Experiment†, an American film in 2010, was directed by Paul Scheuring, and starred by Adrian Brody, 2003 Academy Award’s Best Actor, and Forest Whitaker, a remarkable American actor and director. In the movie, an astounding experiment is conducted by a group of psychological researchers who recruit a group of volunteers to join a prison experiment for cash reward. For two weeks, twenty male participants are hired to play â€Å"prisoners†andRead MoreA Research Study On Psychological Research1657 Words  | 7 Pagessensitive subject to talk about with the victim. The area in which the study takes place should be secluded given the participant the chance to be vulnerable, opening up to the researcher so that the study will be concrete. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was created to discover how syphilis affects the African American culture more than Caucasians. The theory was that whites experience more complications from syphilis than blacks. When conducting this evidence, a lot of precautions needed to beRead MoreThe Treatment Of American Prisons929 Words  | 4 Pagespeople are sent to prison with the goal for the convict to be punished, to prevent them from doing bad things again, and to deter others from breaking the law. Each year, millions of people are released from prison, but roughly two-thirds of the prisoners who were released reoffend within three years of leaving prison, often with a more serious and violent offense. This can be attributed to the ineffective correction style that America has adopted: punishment. American prisons have focused more onRead MoreThe Meaning of Nature and Nurture in Psychology Essay1192 Words  | 5 Pagesbehaviours that might seem inherited by the person but they could just be a process of identification, or a search for one’s own identity, like Zimbardo (1975) showed in his role taking experiment. In this study a group of volunteers adopted a role of prisoner or guard in a simulated prison, and during the study it was shown that under different environmental circumstances and acting under different roles characteristics of behaviour were completely changed , until the pointRead MoreAmerican Psycho : Does Insanity Negate Responsibility?3774 Words  | 16 Pagesperceptions directed towards the insane. By looking toward the Hinckley trial, one can see the public’s negative reaction to trials that allowed one to escape prison punishment by pleading insane. As a result of the insanity plea, Hinckley has, for the past thirty years, lived in a mental hospital for rehabilitation, rather than in a prison. Vincent Fuller, in his testimony for Hinckley, argued that, because Hinckley was not mentally aware of the morality of his actions -- lacking mens rea due toRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesmistakes than from our successes. So, we need to realize that while we don’t want to fail, it does have a hidden gift if we’re willing to receiveâ€â€a chance to learn something imp ortant. Eli Lilly holds â€Å"failure parties†to honor drug trials and experiments that fail to achieve the desired results. The rationale for these parties is to recognize that when little is ventured, little is lost, but little is gained too. Procter Gamble CEO A. G. Lafley argues that very high success rates show incremental
Kurt Vonneguts Bluebeard free essay sample
Critical review of this novel satirizing modern society, modern art, urban life and materialism. Kurt Vonnegut, in his novel Bluebeard, examines the world of American painting (and American culture and society at large, if not the entire world and almost everything in it, past and present) and finds it and most of its denizens obsessed with money and violence and bigotry and fear far more than with the joy or creativity of life or art. In the process of making such an argument, Vonnegut presents the autobiography of a failed abstract expressionist and his spiritual and creative journey out of the darkness and back to the light of the world of human beings and human-based art. While he perhaps too often goes for the comic touch whenever it is available, Vonnegut is nevertheless trying to make the serious point that life and art have indeed become mired in money and materialism and resentments and abstractions to such an. We will write a custom essay sample on Kurt Vonneguts Bluebeard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accounting In Global Organization- Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write a literature review on Challenges of Accounting In Global Organization. Answer: Introduction: Accounting in Global Era Globalisation has changed the manner in which the business and organisational practices are carried out in todays world. The accounting practices of the 21st century have also been revolutionised with the changes in the business environment due to globalisation, increasing competition, the evolution of information technology, and the change in the regulatory practices as the firms cross borders for business purposes (Sunarni, 2013). These changing dimensions of business practices have changed the way management accounting was carried out in the traditional firms. There were always international dimensions to finance and accounting practices earlier, but these dimensions have become more pronounced in the last few decades with more economies opening up their borders for international trade (Lavia Lpez, Hiebl, 2014). This paper will examine the role of accounting practices in the global business environment and the key challenges faced by the accounting in the era of globalisation. Project objective The objective of the paper is to understand the impact of the trends and changing accounting practice in the global organisations today. Project scope The scope of the study is to understand the challenges and issues facing the accounting practices in the global organisations today. Literature review The Role of Accounting in Globalisation The advent of globalisation has brought forth many dimensions which have a strong implication on the accountants and accounting practices in the organisations. Accounting in todays organisations has taken on a much broader perspective and role as compared to its functions in the traditional organisational set up (Tarca, 2012). The issues related to corporate governance, financial standards and codes, anti-corruption measures, standards of regulation and accountability in the large multinational corporations, and many other such concerns involve accounting (Van der Stede, Malone, 2010). The general view about accounting is that it presents a neutral financial and economic reality of an organisation. But, in reality the functions of accounting go much farther than that and it presents an economic reality of the organisation or an industry which has been shaped by the dominant economic powers. The accounting practices and the results present an organisation with the objective basis for taking the crucial decisions for the company (Carpenter, Dunung, 2011). Accounting plays a very important role in the decision-making process of the practices and strategies which are based primarily on the numbers or figures generated by accounting. For example, most of the companies operating in the world market are always looking for reducing the cost of labour for their manufacturing and other processes. These sources of cheap labour make the companies shift their production and manufacturing to areas where cost-effective labour is available. The analysis which forms the basis of this decision is based on the numbers and figures generated by the management accounting of the organisation. In the rapidly changing and dynamic business environment of today the firms have to continuously innovate to maintain their sustainability in the increasingly competitive market. The accounting departments today are working in a flat organisational structure in coordination with the other departments. The management accounting practices in the companies have to assure that the data and information being provided to the other departments to facilitate the making of key decisions that enable a company to compete on a local, national, and international level (Ahid, Augustine, 2012). Factors influencing the change in Accounting practices Besides the change in the activities of the organisations and businesses due to globalisation, there are many other factors which have influenced the change in the role that management accounting and management accountants play in a business organisation (Zadek, Evans, Pruzan, 2013). The developments in the production and technology have impacted the functioning of every aspect of business including the accounting practices and principles. The evolution of the modern business strategies in the era of information technology has witnessed a drastic change in the manner in which the services and products are delivered to the consumers (Arnold, 2009). The processing of information and statistics, and the dissemination of information has become much faster and easier than ever before and this has resulted in faster response times from internal and external customers. Traditional accounting and financial tools that were used earlier like the variance analysis, standard costing, cost-volume profitability analysis, budgeting, and other such methods are no longer considered adequate for the global business standards today (Doupnik, Perera, 2011). The increasing competition in the global business community has resulted in many organisations going for innovative accounting, financial, and statistical analysis tools like JIT or just in time, TQM or total quality management, AMT or advanced manufacturing technology, in their business practices (Cinquini, Tenucci, 2010). The pressures of the global competition have changed the dynamics of management accounting in organisations with contemporary practices like balance scorecard and activity based costing being adapted to meet the requirements of the changing needs of an organisation (Cooper, Dart, 2009). Trends in Managerial Accounting practices in the global organisations Green accounting: The concept of an environmentally friendly and green business is spreading across the world from developed to the developing countries. To be successful at the global level and form a fruitful relationship with the public and government authorities of a nation, it has become imperative for businesses to adopt an environmental friendly approach along with maximising profits (Kidane, 2012). This puts the accounting practices of a firm in a crucial position to devise financial planning and statistical analysis in a manner to accomplish the task of achieving the Green GNP for the company. Investment in green policies and environmental protection is one of the key functions undertaken by the financial planning and accounting in an organisation with the objective of expanding the business into new territories and maximising green profits (Talha, Raja, Seetharaman, 2010). Harmonisation in Accounting: Harmonisation in accounting practices basically means developing policies to enhance the comparability between the accounting practices of different companies. In the global business scenario, today developing practices to achieve international harmonisation in business accounting practices has become an important trend (De Loo, Verstegen, Swagerman, 2011). The main objective of promoting international harmonisation is to devise some common accounting practices in the business analysis all over the world to put the financial information and accounting data of the different countries on a more comparable platform. Common internationally accepted accounting principles will make the financial information easy to decipher and reduce conflicts of interest among business organisation across different regions (Ramli, Zainuddin, Sulaiman, Muda, 2013). Technology support- In many developed economies, the companies and organisations are required, under the law of the nation, to disclose the complete financial statements and other financial information about the company online within a period of 24 hours of completing the financial statements. But the main challenge that arises here is the means to guarantee the quality of the financial information being disclosed (Taipaleenmki, Ikheimo, 2013). In this age of the information technology and the internet, the accounting practices of any business cannot exist in isolation. With the development of new forms of economy in the rapidly technological global environment of today many new kinds of economy like the knowledge-based economy, cyber economy, and the new political or centralised economic systems, accounting has become an important part of the economic managerial tool of the organisations (Sunarni, 2013). Therefore, the need to make the accounting principles more comparable and reli able became a must as unreliable information could lead to a legal crisis for a company and even lead to overall market crisis (Lavia Lpez, Hiebl, 2014). Therefore, multiple accounting standards created with the help of technological support from the information technology have gained prominence in the recent years, particularly in the disseminating of accurate financial information to the public (Carpenter, Dunung, 2011). Factors affecting the accounting practices and the Challenges faced by accounting in global organisations today To be competitive and relevant in the increasingly competitive global business environment, the accounting practices in the businesses have to adapt to the recurring changes that have an influence on the practices of the accounting. The factors which influence the accounting practices include the business environmental factors like the increase in customer focus, rapid pace of globalisation, and changes in the technology (Zadek, Evans, Pruzan, 2013). The second factor is the response of the business to the environmental factors which include the flat hierarchical structures, value chain and inventory cost, the business-to customer and business-to-business interactions and dealings, change in the manufacturing techniques and quality, and much more (Doupnik, Perera, 2011). The third factor which has influenced the accounting practices in the global organisations is the changing and evolving accounting tools that are becoming a prime requirement of the accounting practices. Tools like Just-in-time inventory, benchmarking, supply chain management, activity based costing, target costing, balance scorecard, enterprise resource planning, are all an integral part of management accounting and financial planning today. Out of these factors, the external environmental factors and the rapidly evolving organisational factors pose a significant challenge to the accounting practices today (Cooper, Dart, 2009). Challenges by Environmental factors to Accounting The external factors that influence the accounting practices of a business are also known as the environmental factors. For example, the rapidly occurring dynamic changes in the external business environment like the increasing rate of market globalisation (Kidane, 2012), increase in the competition from old and new firms due to globalisation, and the rapid advancement in technology leading to better production techniques and information management, are all the major elements that have contributed to the evolution of the principles and practices of accounting in the organisations in the recent years (Ramli, Zainuddin, Sulaiman, Muda, 2013). These changes in the external business environment have increased the role that accounting and especially the management accounting has to play in the business organisations today (Tarca, 2012). The accounting practices are continuously facing the challenges thrown by the external environment in providing the accurate information to support and facilitate the effective business operations and efficient management under the changing circumstances (Van der Stede, Malone, 2010). The management accounting in an organisation has to evolve with the change in the manufacturing technology, the information technology and the other environmental trends so that accurate customer oriented information can be provided to the other concerned departments in the company. The accounting function in the organisations is no longer limited to financial numbers but has become an integral part of the management process with a much wider scope (Ahid, Augustine, 2012). Due to rapid globalisation the companies do not have to compete with the local firms but also with the international players in the national as well as the world market. To ensure business sustainability the firms have to ensure competitive and attractive prices of the goods and services, ensure the quality of the products and services, a fast delivery of the companys products and services, and living up to the expectations of the consumers (Arnold, 2009). Therefore, the modern businesses need empirical and financial measurements on all these aspects of business. This has increased the role of management accounting in the businesses as they are faced with challenges of providing reliable information on all such factors which may influence the business and marketing strategy of the organisation (Cinquini, Tenucci, 2010). The advancement in information and computer technology and the availability of analytical software have increased the accuracy and the speed at which the data can be stored and processed (De Loo, Verstegen, Swagerman, 2011). It has also made the dissemination and accessibility of the information much faster and easier, but this also poses a challenge to the management accountants in an organisation for timely appraisal of data and disseminating the accurate and relevant information to the other departments on a real-time basis (Sunarni, 2013). Other factors like the changes in the rules and regulations, implementation of new accounting standards and practices, deregulation of the markets and the finance sectors, and the increasing dominance of the service segment in business organisations, escalate the challenges of the accounting practices in an organisation to provide information, financial implications and solutions for business growth and development (Lavia Lpez, Hiebl, 2014). Challenges by the Organisational factors to Accounting Organisational factors which influence the business outlook and the accounting practices consist of the organisation as a whole, the strategy of the business, the products and services of the business, the competition, the internal operations of the business and the perceived uncertainty (Tarca, 2012). The organisational factors have a profound impact on the daily activities and practices of the business including the accounting practices (Carpenter, Dunung, 2011). The organisational factors place a lot of emphasis on the core competencies, supplier and customer relationships, outsourcing, downsizing, flat organisation structures, organisational restructuring, and other such elements which aim at improving the productivity and efficiency of the company (Van der Stede, Malone, 2010). With any changes occurring in the internal organisation constitution and functioning, like a new style of management reporting, the whole structure of the company and the process of the flow of information undergo a change. This will also change the attitude of the people in the company and the work patterns of the people (Ahid, Augustine, 2012). As mentioned earlier, the accounting department is not an isolated function anymore and the management accounting process in the organisation is closely integrated with the workings of other departments, the top level management, and the operations management in the organisation (Talha, Raja, Seetharaman, 2010). The organisational decisions like mergers, take-overs, organisational restructuring, new technological innovations are among the most influential factors affecting the accounting practices (Zadek, Evans, Pruzan, 2013). The accounting department is responsible for coordinating and liaisoning with the other departments to ensure smooth flow of relevant statistical, analytical, and financial information. Therefore, any kind of changes in the quality control, work patterns, organisational restructuring, managerial practices are among the leading organisational challenges faced by the management and business accounting in the global organisations today (Arnold, 2009). Besides these, the factors like customer oriented activities, core competencies, the form of ownership, size and type of organisation, profitability and the financial position of the firms, also contribute a lot to the challenges faced by the business and management accounting in the global marketplace today. Most of the organisations today have a flexible and flat organisational structure where the accountants and the managers work inter-changeably in a cross functional manner (Doupnik, Perera, 2011). This has lead to an increasing demand for transparency and accountability from the stakeholders in a firm. This change in the work practices and increase in transparency escalate the challenge for the business and management accountants in a firm to develop an in-depth understanding of the different processes in a business to be able to take on the challenge of a cross functional role (Cinquini, Tenucci, 2010). Ethical challenges The accounting department in an organisation has an access to a lot of confidential and sensitive information about the business, strategies, and practices of an organisation. Any kind of unauthorised disclosure to a third party outside the organisation could put the company at a competitive disadvantage against the rival companies and may lead to loss of credibility for the company (Cooper, Dart, 2009). Similarly, any unauthorised disclosure about the policies and strategies of the organisation, like information about potential layoffs and budget cuts, to the people inside the organisation would be against the interests of the organisations. The management accounting in every organisation has to deal with these ethical challenges and resolve them in the best possible manner while working under the professional standards and code of ethics (De Loo, Verstegen, Swagerman, 2011). The current trends in the business world point towards an emerging consciousness in the minds of the consumers about sustainable development in business and industry (Zadek, Evans, Pruzan, 2013). Therefore, the management accounting in a global business organisation is faced with the challenge of rethinking from a financial and profit oriented point of view and adopt practices and accounting systems that incorporate and integrate the practices which are based on performance management along with profit maximisation (Ramli, Zainuddin, Sulaiman, Muda, 2013). Conclusion In the rapidly changing and dynamic global business environments, the role of business and management accounting practices is undergoing a significant change in the role played by them in the modern business organisations (Taipaleenmki, Ikheimo, 2013). The accounting function does exist in isolation any longer and is proactively engaged and integrated with the other functions like the strategic management, leadership improvement, and operational alignment in a firm (Talha, Raja, Seetharaman, 2010). The continuous changes in the external and internal environment influence the management accounting practices. To survive and succeed in the increasingly competitive global arena the business and the management accounting practices have to continuously evolve to the challenges posed by the internal or organisational factors and the external or environmental factors in the dynamic business world today (Kidane, 2012). The accounting practices in a firm have to be prepared to face the challenges of globalisation in the local markets and traditional dominions also. With rapid globalisation and evolving technology, the business transactions in a company are becoming more complex and voluminous, and there is an increasing emphasis on standardisation of practices (Taipaleenmki, Ikheimo, 2013). This increases the pressure on the management accounting in a business to achieve uniformity in accounting practices and also keep up with the technological advancements, to be able to provide the best and accurate information in real-time to the internal and external stakeholders of a business. 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Thursday, April 16, 2020
Margin Imposed by NSE on Derivative trading free essay sample
Plain the role and importance of the different types of Margins imposed by the NSE in Derivatives Trading The Trading of currency futures is subject to maintaining initial, extreme loss, and calendar spread margins and the clearing corporations of the exchanges (In the case of NSE it is NSCCL) should ensure maintenance of such margins by the participants based on the guidelines issued by SEBI from time to time. The clearing corporation acts as counterparty to all contracts traded on the exchange and is responsible for settling all trades. They control their risks, by asking the members to pay margins and provide timely information about their financial condition. There are various types of margins that the clients/ trading members/ clearing members required to deposit: Margins on both Futures and Options contracts comprise of the following: 1) Initial Margin 2) Exposure margin In addition to these margins, in respect of options contracts the following additional margins are collected 1) Premium Margin 2) Assignment Margin Span Margin NSCCL collects initial margin up-front for all the open positions of a CM based on the argins computed by [emailprotected] We will write a custom essay sample on Margin Imposed by NSE on Derivative trading or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A CM is in turn required to collect the initial margin from the TMs and his respective clients. Similarly, a TM should collect upfront margins from his clients. Initial margin requirements are based on 99% value at risk over a one day time horizon. However, in the case of futures contracts (on index or individual securities), where it may not be possible to collect mark to market settlement value, before the commencement of trading on the next day, the initial margin is computed over a two-day time horizon, applying the appropriate statistical ormula. The methodology for computation of Value at Risk percentage is as per the recommendations of SEBI from time to time. Initial margin requirement for a member: 1 . For client positions is netted at the level of individual client and grossed across all clients, at the Trading/ Clearing Member level, without any setoffs between clients. 2. For proprietary positions is netted at Trading/ Clearing Member level without any setoffs between client and proprietary positions. For the purpose of SPAN Margin, various parameters are specified from time to time. In case a trading member wishes to take additional trading positions his CM is required to provide Additional Base Capital (ABC) to NSCCL. ABC can be provided by the members in the form of Cash, Bank Guarantee, Fixed Deposit Receipts and appr securities. Additional Capital Clearing members may provide additional margin/collateral deposit (additional base capital) to NSCCL and/or may wish to retain deposits and/or such amounts which are receivable from NSCCL, over and above their minimum deposit requirements, towards initial margin and/ or other obligations. Clearing members may submit such deposits in any one form or combination of the following forms: 1 . Cash 2. Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) issued by approved banks and deposited with approved Custodians or NSCCL 3. Bank Guarantee in favour of NSCCL from approved banks in the specified format. 4. Approved securities in demat form deposited with approved Custodians. How is Initial Margin Computed? Initial margin for FO segment is calculated on a portfolio (a collection of futures and option positions) based approach. The margin calculation is carried out using a oftware called SPAW (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk). It is a product developed by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and is extensively used by leading stock exchanges of the world. SPAN uses scenario based approach to arrive at margins. Value of futures and options positions depend on, among others, price of the security in the cash market and volatility of the security in cash market. As you would agree, both price and volatility keep changing. To put it simply, SPAW generates about 16 different scenarios by assuming different values to the price and olatility. For each of these scenarios, possible loss that the portfolio would suffer is calculated. The initial margin required to be paid by the investor would be equal to the highest loss the portfolio would suffer in any of the scenarios considered. The margin is monitored and collected at the time of placing the buy / sell order. The SPAW margins are revised 6 times in a day once at the beginning of the day, 4 times during market hours and finally at the end of the day. Obviously, higher the volatility, higher the margins. Exposure Margin The exposure margins for options and futures contracts on index are as follows: For Index options and Index futures contracts: 3% of the notional value of a futures contract. In case of options it is charged only on short positions and is 3% of the notional value of open positions. For option contracts and Futures Contract on individual Securities: The higher of 5% or 1. 5 standard deviation of the notional value of gross open position in futures on individual securities and gross short open positions in options on individual securities in a particular underlying. The standard deviation of daily logarithmic returns of prices in the underlying stock in the cash market in the last six months is computed on a rolling and monthly basis at the end of each month. For this purpose notional value means: For a futures contract the contract value at last traded price/ closing price. For an options contract the value of an equivalent number of shares as conveyed by the options contract, in the underlying market, based on the last available closing price. In case of calendar spread positions in futures contract, exposure margins are levied n one third of the value of open position of the far month futures contract. The calendar spread position is granted calendar spread treatment till the expiry of the near month contract.. How is exposure margin computed? In addition to initial / SPAW margin, exposure margin is also collected. Exposure margins in respect of index futures and index option sell positions is 3% of the notional value. For futures on individual securities and sell positions in options on individual securities, the exposure margin is higher of 5% or 1. 5 standard deviation f the LN returns of the security (in the underlying cash market) over the last 6 months period and is applied on the notional value of position. Premium Margin In addition to Span Margin, Premium Margin is charged to members. The premium margin is the client wise premium amount payable by the buyer of the option and is levied till the completion of pay-in towards the premium settlement. Assignment Margin Assignment Margin is levied on a CM in addition to SPAN margin and Premium Margin. It is levied on assigned positions of CMS towards interim and final exercise ettlement obligations for option contracts on index and individual securities till the pay-in towards exercise settlement is complete.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
MMW Exam Topics Generator - How to Use it to Write High School Essay Topics
MMW Exam Topics Generator - How to Use it to Write High School Essay TopicsFinding the best possible essays for your high school or college writing requirements can be a difficult and time consuming process. Many high school students find that they don't have a great deal of academic writing experience, which causes them to feel at a disadvantage in comparison to more experienced and qualified candidates. And even if you do have some experience in the writing area, a large number of essay topics tend to require an extensive amount of background information and detail.Having difficulty finding the right topics can lead to a lack of focus and consequently, the inability to fulfill your main objectives for the assignment. While there are many ways to go about this task, the use of the MMW Exam Topics Generator tool should provide you with excellent results.'American Exceptionalism' is a fairly common topic, as most students will already be familiar with the basic characteristics of Amer ican values. However, it is important to remember that there are many varieties of American political and social opinions and beliefs, which means that you need to keep this fact in mind when writing about such things. Moreover, while you're writing on American politics, it's important to keep in mind the myriad of demographic differences between different American regions, such as the more rural areas versus the more urban areas.In order to avoid oversimplifying the topic or making the main objective of the essay seem too obvious, it's vital to stay flexible and be able to write in a way that will appeal to all possible readers. One way that you can do this is to make your ideas more complex, using big words and complicated sentences to catch the attention of the reader.Sometimes article topics are also of a somewhat controversial nature. Therefore, in order to create the perfect article, you should use careful research and detail to establish the main points of the piece. Then you can link these points back to other ideas that will help people to understand how it all ties together.It is also very important to present the main goal in a concise manner, rather than leading readers to believe that a specific action should be taken. Ideally, it should be fairly clear what you are trying to accomplish with the article topic, without over-explaining it. And while you're doing this, you may want to consider having an extra set of eyes to check the content to make sure that it's truly as it should be.And because of this, it's important to think of the general idea before you actually get down to the nitty-gritty of writing it. Rather than focusing on the day-to-day workings of something, it's usually better to look at the bigger picture in order to frame your arguments in a way that will appeal to those who are reading the essay. For example, if you're attempting to get a point across regarding how great a person looks, you should make the reader aware of the diffe rences between different types of skin, how their physique varies in height, and what people see when they see different types of people.While writing essay topics can often be difficult, there are a number of topics that are easy to write about and can be very interesting to read. If you use the MMW Exam Topics Generator and make use of the right type of research, you'll find that your essay topics will end up being enjoyable to read, and many times will improve your grades in class.
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